Photos of the new Satanic monument being built for Oklahoma's Statehouse

This isn’t really satanism. The Church of Satan doesn’t actually worship Satan (or any other deity). They’re more an in-your-face agnostic, objectivist philosophical organization, to whom Lucifer is a mythic figure symbolizing freedom and the revolt against tyranny and enforced self-sacrifice. As they probably expected, and probably intended, Oklahoma has now announced they will not allow the Baphomet to be placed on the Statehouse grounds. They are trying to expose what they see as the hypocrisy of allowing one religious symbol (in this case, the Ten Commandments) to be displayed by the state, while disallowing symbols of other religions.

Sounds like you had a fun Friday night.

Following a promotion, the first Friday in 5 months I wasn’t putting in a 14+ hour day! It was pretty damn good, thanks! :smiley:

edit - holy zombie jeebus, is it May already? Changed 4 months to 5 >.<

I’ll tell ya who doesn’t need a statue there… Our Lady, Eris.
Her supreme power is already in evidence and will be in full display once the Satanic statue gets installed.


‘Truth and morality are what we say they are’ has been the root of many atrocities throughout human history. The Christian church is hardly innocent of that, nor is any other authoritarian creed. People taking the piss with a pasta-based deity are probably pretty far down the list of dangerous philosophies.


First of all I want to complement you on creating the most humorous sentence I have read in a long time.

Now, a rhetorical device like our aforementioned pasta-based deity that is used to draw low-information people away from religion. With morality and truth firmly planted in mid air it too will share in the blame for the chaos to come.

It seems to me that you’re arguing that there is some kind of monopoly on morality and truth that is centred round religion. Why?


They have? Huh, glad that finally happened. I was kinda starting to worry about that lot.

Anecdotally, I’ve heard that the gesture having any fingers down at all is possibly due to untreated joint issues in the hands of older Bishops - trying to raise an open hand, and having some of the fingers not straighten. That showed up in art, and propagated. My only site for this is my father in law. who while a smart guy, is not an historian.

Tangentially related, in some styles of kung fu, a similar hand position with the first two fingers raised is supposed to be good for focussing chi. I’ve taken the mental leap and assumed that has a similar origins.

Reminds me of the Apologetics folks with whom I used to “discuss” religion/etc… They argued that all morality comes from God/Bible – they also seemed to imply that the 10 commandments was the only thing keeping them from killing and pillaging. The absolute certainty that they had about things like an un-baptised child being sent to hell for eternity was rather endearing. (I actually grew to like most of them, but probably wouldn’t trust them much)

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It’s an authoritarian thing. I’ve had similar discussions with folks regarding the drugs war: ‘Well, what’s to stop everyone just becoming addicts and destroying themselves?’

‘Umm… most people… don’t want to? Because they think that’d be horrible and reprehensible?’

Wasn’t it Martin Sheen described Bush as a white-knuckle drunk? Yeah, like that.

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I’ve got it! We need to make lots of sculptures of the Invisible Pink Unicorn.

In the absence of a moral authority and.or a source of truth these concepts becoming meaningless.

Why? And who decides truth? Howay man, that’s ridiculously glib.

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I just replied… wow, nobody can say that you are not on the ball.

God is the source of truth and morality.

The very same, my dear fellow. sharp as a tack. It isn’t, like. Also, No, U.

Yea, man… just go with it. Listen to some Foghat.

I actually pay taxes soo… its back to work for me!

I will catch up with you tonight, perhaps by then the dope will have worn off and you can regain coherence.

I suspect Pastafarianism is more concerned with molarity (in the toothiness sense) than morality.

Also of note, there is the issue of molarity wherein our gastric juices break down his noodly appendages.

Let’s just agree that God is your source of truth and morality, and can we further agree that it’s a specific Christian interpretation that is your source of truth and morality?