Photoshop nightmare: Gentlemens' hosiery model has no intergluteal cleft




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Well, since you asked…

Holy crap. Chinese dude lived 55 years without an anus


Have a look around inside the Vatican. Lots of the ceilings are painted with frescoes of Church Fathers and Embodied Virtues. The Church Fathers are all shown as grumpy old men. The Virtues are all embodied as pretty young women with one or more breasts on display.

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Wow, things have sure changed in the last couple hundred of years since those paintings were done then eh? Either that or it’s art is cool, but actual real life boobs NO!


I think it is a case of, “Thou Shalt Do As We Say, Not Do As We Do.” :frowning: Plus the poorly dressed young women each holds some item replete allegorical meaning (a mirror, a palm frond,etc) so it is all perfectly right and proper. :slight_smile: Or, maybe it was an early attempt to nip clerical child sex abuse in the bud, by getting priests interested in women :open_mouth:


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