Originally published at: Pianist sets Karen to music | Boing Boing
The “finger pinching” hand movements made me want to, well let’s just say it rhymes with “kill her”.
Elsewhere in the original video she said that common law meant she didn’t have to identify herself and that the store was racist because a black woman wasn’t wearing a mask and yet she (the woman in this video) was “targeted.”
The persecution complex is strong with this one.
Apparently her name is Kara Bell and she is a school board candidate. Sigh. Kara Bell, Maskless 'Woman of God,' Arrested For Assault in Viral Video
sorry, the music doesn’t help with listening to her. i know the pianist tried.
Being how she’s “sick of being lied to”, maybe she should ween herself off of Faux News, OAN, etc., and introduce some fact based information to life
The ending (both in terms of the conclusion of events and the musical accompaniment) is just…
Just because someone’s got a persecution complex doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be persecuted.
I think it needs more “Forte” and less “Piano”.
My brain still reads that as “Onan”; so apposite for such a pile of wank. Well done, brain.
Well done!
Hmmm… I think “false” and “not true” are the same thing. Not a very economical use of language, but I guess she is intent on getting her point across. She’s not going to have it, but she is going to get it and just like that her entitlement evaporates in a blur of blue latex.
So glad I’m not a law enforcement officer. While seeing her cuffed was pretty satisfying, some gratuitous macing or tazering would have left me in a much more jovial mood.
Good luck weening people off of onan.
A sovereign Karen?
Thanks so much!!
He’s definitely mocking her, and in a way shown in the Peanuts tv cartoon where all of the adult characters’ voices were simply the sound of a muffled trumpet.
Does a piece like that take a lot of preparation or can you do it on the fly?
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