Pizzeria apologizes for unintentionally serving "pot pies" contaminated with THC

Originally published at: Pizzeria apologizes for unintentionally serving "pot pies" contaminated with THC - Boing Boing


From Allan Rose Hill


At least it wasn’t cocaine this time


Usually oregano and pot are switched the other way 'round

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(yes i know it wasn’t the oregano)

Variety is the spice of life?

How exactly do you just “have” THC-based oil at the station where you make your pizza dough? How was it labeled? How do you “accidentally” make an entire batch of dough from it?

From the way their press release was worded it sounds like they rent out their kitchen space to other food companies one of which being an edibles business and instead of using regular oil for the dough they accidentally used some of the edible business’ delta 9 oil instead.

My guess is due to bad or non-existent labelling and bad or non-existent ingredients storage rules.

I’ll bet a dollar that the Delta 9 oil jug wasn’t labeled, and there aren’t dedicated spaces that are clearly marked as off limits to pizzeria workers so someone saw a jug of oil grabbed it and poured it in

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Gives new meaning to “pizza joint”
Shopping Dad Joke GIF by price.com

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