Placing other people's poop in your person is a piss-poor plan

I’ve been reading BB for many years. I’d just reached the end of my rope
with flippant dismissals of people’s weight loss efforts and the
insinuation that the desperation felt by obese people is somehow funny.


Like Megan has also said, I’ve been reading for years. However, I felt moved to comment on this article, as it puts a very negative light on something that is helping a lot of people. As I originally wrote, I’m not talking about weight loss, but rather other benefits to problematic gut issues that FMT helps with.

And I wouldn’t have commented again on this, except that you’ve now written twice about first time posts. Take it easy on the new folks, will you? No sense in being rude to people you don’t even know.


An elderly relative of mine was at Mass General a few years back and the Clostridium difficile that she had had before recurred while she was in. C diff as it’s called, can weaken you so badly with diarrhea that it can kill you. MGH did the then-new fecal transplant (she hated, hated taking the pill) and she recovered.

This article discusses this, as well as some of the concerns about conditions that could be transferred. It also (under the “How It Works” heading, if you scroll down) describes what they do in advance of the treatment:

There’s obviously more work to be done on what-all exactly is being transferred here, but it’s worth noting that in this article “some are concerned depression, allergies, diabetes and asthma — all believed to be associated with the gut microbiome” could be going along for the ride:


There are lots of people who do lots of dumb stuff either out of idiocy or lack of funds. Doesn’t mean it’s not a piss-poor plan. Even if it’s the best plan you have, it’s still piss-poor.

I know people who get relief from self dentistry, too. But that’s not because it’s a great plan. Rather, it’s because the only plan they have is a piss-poor one.

However, the title is misleading as the point is doing this on your own is a piss-poor plan. But, have you ever seen a non misleading boingboing headline?

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You just made me think about people who might find a poo enema fun. Yuck.

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Pity that people are perpetually puerile pinheads.


No, idiots make statement about thing they know little about.


I’m trying for something with Stix Nix Hix Pix levels of pithiness, but I’ve not been awake long.

But what if your bad gut biome is making you crave unhealthy food?

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