Police Federation furious at name of new comedy cop show

thatll do james cromwell GIF


First clean out your own sty.

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The uk ones dont have guns they can not shoot back…

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Some UK cops have guns, but they’re specially trained and monitored, and there’s an investigation if they cause serious injury to anyone. (Tasers are treated the same way).
That’s not to say that they don’t kill people, 85 people have been shot and killed by UK police since 1995 (mostly by the Met).
The rest of the force have to settle for (eg) smashing people’s heads with their riot sheilds.

In comparison with the US, UK cops are practically cuddly, but they’ve still got a long way to go.


Holy shit, I think we have that many in a month! Maybe a week. :sleepy:


Yep but the usa has 333 mil v the uks 67 mil, so 4.9 times as many people, so i would expect the usa number to be at least that much bigger.

It doesn’t look any better at all when you convert it into per capita numbers.


Yep. 3 per year vs over a thousand per year. Even correcting for population, that’s still almost 100 x. :sob:


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