Police find huge stolen playground slide inside child's bedroom

Originally published at: Police find huge stolen playground slide inside child's bedroom | Boing Boing


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On the one hand, what a garbage person. On the other, it’s clear this garbage person loved his child.


At first this story seemed cute, but…

No charges have been filed for the converters.

So, it sounds like the detectives didn’t find what they were looking for, stumbled upon something else, and filed charges for that. The discovery kept the converter theft investigation and search effort from being a complete waste of time and tax dollars (on top of effort put into the playground case). Now that picture of the detective seems like copaganda, and the details remind me how incompetent departments tend to be in solving cases.

The last line of the article below mentions detectives are asking the public for tips about those converter thefts. In the meantime, they’re all over social media and news networks talking about that slide. :roll_eyes:


They’re taking the win where they can. It isn’t hard to imagine that the kind of guy who stole equipment from a public playground might also be a suspect in stealing catalytic converters.

It could be the case that the guy here did steal the cats, but was able to unload them before the cops arrived so they had no evidence.


Can’t say I condone this sort of thing but I do have a certain admiration for someone who managed to install a playground slide in A MOBILE HOME.


“Did you steal that slide?”
“No way! I traded it for some used car parts.”


Maybe he stole the kid, too.


Not sure that wins any points from me. Presumably the kid could have enjoyed the slide if it had remained in the public playground where it belonged. All this parent did was ensure that no other children would have a chance to enjoy it.

You know how these criminal investigations go. It’s a slippery slope.


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