Police intercepted cocaine smuggled inside hollowed-out coffee beans

I think the question is, are they available chocolate-covered?


I’ve drilled coffee beans (the reason why is, um, boring) and it is a PITA, since roasting beans makes them brittle. Drilling unroasted beans is easier, maybe they did that, then roasted the beans, then stuffed them?

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Packages of spanish-language Magic Cards is what I’d have gone with.

♫ The best part of waking up. Is Cocaine in your cup. ♫

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Clearly what is missing is scale. One bag of coffee beans is suspicious - send a containerload and you’re suddenly a Legitimate Olive Oil Coffee Bean Importer™.

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But… but… if you start to import coffee from Colombia and sell it to hipsters say it’s 100% bio organic vegan you could make a legitimate business and make money too…

What are you saying, Number Two? Our cover businesses make more money than our criminal activities?

Release the mildly bad-tempered mutated seabass!

I’m sure I came across a story about some crime group finding they were making more money out of their ‘front’ business and trying to divest themselves of the criminal aspects - I can’t find it now.

Isn’t that essentially the plot of the Godfather movies?

When I googled “crime organisations making more money from front businesses” the first hit was a CBS News story headlined “Trump family business profits from reelection bid”.

Seems Google does know everything…


Off sides.

I really wish there was information on the how because that’s the interesting part of this story. This would be very difficult to do and it’s fascinating that they tried.

There’s a throwaway (and underrated) scene in Blow where all the methods being tried are discussed (presumably based on true stories). They were mixing cocaine into concrete and the extracting it somehow at the other end. They were making fiberglass with it, then making boats out of that fiberglass, then somehow extracting it at the other end. They were mixing it into soft drinks (ironic), and then somehow extracting it at the other end. I’ve heard other similar stories of exotic methods mentioned in news stories, but I don’t recall any others off the top of my head. I wonder is anyone has collected the known methods somewhere. For…uh… research.

When this amount of money is on the line, insane science happens.


I have eaten once in this pizzeria, was alway full and was better to book because the pizza was very good.

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LOL no comment

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