Originally published at: 500 kilograms of cocaine turns up in shipment of coffee to Nespresso factory | Boing Boing
Well at least now everyone knows what happened to the shipment. Though we may never learn what happened to the shipper & intercepter. Maybe they have already died, which could explain how this one got through…
“We’ve replaced their Folger’s Crystals with cocaine. Let’s see if they notice.”
well, when life hands you lemons…
How did this coffee get in my cocaine shipment?
Wasnt this a plot line from Beverley Hills cop?
That shipment was the GQP’s sex orgy coke, Just ask congress critter Madison WhiteClaw.
“Hey, you got cocaine in my coffee!”
“Hey, you got coffee in my cocaine!”
“Mmm … two great tastes that taste great together.”
(Personally I’ll still to just the coffee, thanks!)
“I had some dreams, they were coke in my coffee, coke in my coffee…now you’re so vain…”
(Apologies to Carly Simon.)
Make cocaineaid?
Hey! That shipment was supposed to be 600 kilos!
You mean 400 kilograms of cocaine turns up in a shipment of coffee to Nespresso factory
I guess I should be happy that too many Nespresso pods only give me a stomachache and not a (new) addiction…