Police officer accused of fondling corpse apparently didn't realize that turning off his body cam wouldn't stop it from recording him

Wow! We finally found how low it too low for them.

I like the idea but I don’t personally know anyone THAT evil. But I like it. I’m sure I will get mad enough someday to hurtle that at someone.


In many countries police officers want the cameras on all the time to be protected from malicious accusations from the people they interact with and also if something happens to them so there is evidence against the criminals.
Why do police officers in the U.S. keep turning them off? I will take a wild guess and say it is possibly because if the cameras are always on there will be evidence against the criminals.
A small but important difference.


It doesn’t seem too hard for them to have the data backing that, and depending on the turnover ratio it can be huge waste of resources.
Of course this means that there is an awful HR policy since it indicates that they cannot be retained.

I’m not sure about US police hiring, but I’m almost sure my country has different entry positions that make the candidates self-segregate and avoid this problem.
But I know it still happens a lot with other public sector jobs where most candidates apply treating it as a temporary position until they get a better job.
Due the legal restrictions on how to hire people and some delays caused by some bureaucracy some sectors suffer a lot, and it surprises me that nothing was done to deal with it.

It also happens a lot with the private sector, but instead using IQ test, they use they educational background as a proxy to separate those who will stay on the job and those who will probably leave for something better.

I think we can all agree on a bunch of good reasons why you shouldn’t do this. But it’s interesting that – given the situation itself is so rare – it may be more common than you’d assume for someone to react to the situation this way. In a weird way it seems like the kind of impulse a little kid would have.

That’s what I was thinking. Like the officer might be sexually interested in corpses, or they might just have be emotionally immature and have very little impulse control.

Of course the latter, while having less of a ‘squick’ factor is even more of a good reason to not have them walking the streets with a loaded gun.


Yeah, I didn’t mean to imply that a cop with the mind of a toddler was more desirable than a cop who swipes right on obituaries


I think we’re all on the same page here. Disrespecting bodies of those that are already dead, while awful and disqualifying from being a police officer, is not in the same league of bad as the currently living to the dead bodies.

(Though as people have noted above, police unions seem to have those two reversed)

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