Originally published at: Police rescue woman from toilet who was trying to save her Apple Watch | Boing Boing
I’ve never seen a toilet being quite that helpful! Maybe mine is just obstinate. Sorry.
Yeesh, she’s incredibly lucky to be alive. Sewer gasses can knock you out asphyxiate you quickly. This must have been one of the actively ventilated types.
“Hold my beer. I’m going after it.”
If only someone could save me from the toilet that is my life…
Reminds me of the old joke.
A camper and a biker were using the group outhouse at the campground. As the biker pulled his pants up a nickel fell out of his pocket into the cesspit. With a muttered curse, the biker pulled a fistful of change out of his pocket and threw it down the hole.
“Why’d you throw all that change into the toilet?” the camper asked.
The biker replied,“You don’t think I’d go down there for a nickel, do you?”
Anyone who have used one of these know what a nightmare this scenario is…
And not the first time something like this has happened. There was this incident last year:
First thing that i thought about was this. She’s lucky that she didn’t immediately pass out and die from lack of oxygen. I remember a story that i think was posted here a few years ago of someone dropping their phone in a toilet pit, passing out, then having a relative jump in to save them, also passing out, and then a 3rd person jumped in and also passed out.
If it falls in a toilet just let it go, it’s dead. You don’t want it, trust me.
Edit: found it
Man, what a crappy story.
Welcome to Camp Erfurt; do drop in.
“Police rescue woman who was trying to save her Apple Watch from toilet” might describe the situation better
Whenever I see this sign, I wonder about the life journey of the writer. This ungrammatical, weirdly spaced sign got pushed out to every national park pit toilet in the country. There must have been a sense of urgency.
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