Politicians beclown Wyoming with performative resolution

Thus, the capitalist-friendly solution: Out-of-staters can merely avoid traveling or otherwise doing business in Wyoming. Skip Yellowstone. Patronize Colorado. Support Wyoming’s secession from USA.

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It was a resolution, it didn’t even have any force of law. This was just so some state legislator could get on Fox and yell about the liberals.


They’re probably powered by diesel or natural gas generators.

In other words, they’ll turn into Cuba. Pretty funny considering how they no doubt feel about Cuba.

Edit: oops, @gracchus beat me to that joke


Honestly, I think they’ve been rebranding as “energy” companies, but not actually changing anything. If they were smart they would pivot hard into making batteries, lithium mining, etc. Instead they spend billions lobbying government to keep their status quo as long as possible.



Hoarding all that wealth has made them stupid.


Their annual reports are full of acquisitions or large investment stakes in all kinds of diversified companies. It’s not reported on as exciting and click driven, but it’s going on. They may not be trying to create a monopoly on the entire energy market, but they’re clearly working on owning a large stake in all of the layers.

The massive Big Oil profits are funding it. But, instead of just sitting on those huge profits as a war chest, they’re all out there buying up companies in all layers and different types of the energy market.

Even with huge raw dollars being spent, each is comparatively small next to the immense profits, so they don’t necessarily sound newsworthy. At least not to a click driven news reporting. When they make $50B+ in a year, and then invest or buy of bunch of companies for $0.5B each, it doesn’t sound like much comparatively.

If in 50 years, we’re all driving electric cars and the ICE car is only a museum piece, I’m sure BP, Shell, and ExxonMobil will all still be around and huge companies. Even if they’re barely selling any oil by then.


Exactly. They are poised to pivot, and will claim that they’ve been working towards the phaseout for decades, with these various purchases to ‘prove’ it. They know their core business (oil & gas) is going the way of the horse & buggy, so they want to make sure they’re still leaders in the industry rather than casualties.


literally … thousands :roll_eyes:


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