Politico interviews Trump's biographers to understand his motivations

I’m still hoping too.

There was hope that would happen during the primaries… and then during the election.


My sentiments, exactly.


I have to admit thinking that too.

In many ways this election has been an educational slap in the face.


I think this is one of the best things we Germans will get from the Drumpf regime. For 72 years now Americans have been giving us shit for Hitler. Not anymore, Freunde. You have Drumpf now, and he will stay with you as an ugly orange stain on your history for all eternity.


One of the things you learn when you move to Germany and go to the museums that document the time under the Nazis is how aware they are of how it happened. think of Milgram’s experiments, the Stanford Prison Experiment, and so on.


O’Brien: The only things that have kept him awake at night historically are money, sex, food, and revenge. And if you take those things out of the mix, it’s not like he ponders the deeper meaning of life. I don’t think he feels that he’s not up to this task. I think he did at different points during the campaign, and I certainly think on election night, and the first few days after that, you could see a kind of a watering down of his bravado. But that seems to have lasted for about a millisecond. Because I think he now feels like he’s fully in charge and has all the aptitude he needs for the office.

I also just saw jon voight brown nosing peeotus…

Good night and good luck.


Though one might agree with the Republicans on many issues, a two (or more) parties system is necessary. There’s got to be a Right still. Problem is that the one the U.S.A. has now is stark raving mad, it’s more Tea Party than anything else, and got this irresponsible populist elected as President. This is horrible news for Conservatism and I can’t picture any living former Republican President or Candidate happy over this. Much more so than for the Democrats, who only lost an election. Let’s hope that the Republican leadership that didn’t endorse Trump will do what it has to do, when the time comes. Trump shall take a false step, and they will be forced to, and I expect will be more than happy to, get rid of him.

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I’m looking for the Ken Burns documentary:

“In retrospect, his request for a custom pair of Emperor Palpatine Underoos should have been a clear sign of the troubles to come.”


However long that ends up being :sweat:


A depressing lesson of history is just how common genocidal bastardry is.

The Nazis were unusual in that they mechanised their bastardry, not that they were unique in their evil.


Now here is something fun and useful to do with your TV during inauguration! :slight_smile:

Tune TVs to Ancient Aliens During Trump Inauguration Petition!


The US already has a reasonably-sane right wing party: they’re called the Democrats.

The left half of the US population is almost completely unrepresented.


I would not count on that. Mitch McConnell in particular seems to be nothing more than a man seeking power for power’s sake. The only way he will cut Trump loose is if he thinks it will benefit him. But the guy lacks the charisma to be president himself, so senate majority leader is about as high as he can expect to go. Trump will have to do something that threatens republican control of the senate before McConnell will turn on him.


This election slap-taught me a lot too. One cool thing I learned is that I’m an “elite.” I never knew that before.


Around 1990, New Jersey’s governor raised taxes on the rich. One of my friends was totally appalled - he was a state employee low-level bureaucrat, making $35K after being there 20 years, but since he was single, that put him in the high tax bracket. He was a socialist union worker - being called “rich” upset him even more than the extra taxes.


Total assholes rarely realize that’s an option.


Sure, but I may use it in a punchline nobody will ever hear.


I have a feeling that Trump’s “something” would be just as indigestible to the general public as Republican’s keeping control of the Senate. No-win situation.

I’m not convinced it’s even possible to change something that seems to be such an innate character trait but in this case I wouldn’t be opposed to trying electroshock conversion therapy.


Sometimes I think our only hope to prevent TEAGOPAGGEDON is Trump’s ego. Like his demand for congress to do repeal and replace on the same day and his claim that its going to cover everyone.

The guy always has an out, a way to blame failure on someone else, but if the TEAGOP’s strangling of healthcare can be glued to him then he might decide its best to bully congress into doing something totally crazy like medicare for all.

OK, that one is a stretch, but I think you get my drift. Without his randomness, the TEAGOP will have completely free reign.