Polls indicate Biden's edge over Trump as election nears

It makes sense. Biden has just started campaigning in earnest. Trump has been campaigning for the last year or more. Biden may have chosen the correct time to ramp up his campaign & Trump may have peaked too soon.


The answer to “voting doesn’t matter” that I have had work is to point out how desperate the fascists are to suppress it, especially from non-white communities. They know they’re still vulnerable to it.


At least in 2016 it was “fresh” Now they already eaten some and a large proportion STILL claim to prefer it.


100% this. Biden won in 2020 by 7 million votes, 4-5% of the national total. If Trump had swung <50k people across 3 key states, he’d have stayed president.


In New Zealand you can’t start campaigning until six weeks before the election. It’s an actual law. Also on the day of the election all campaign signs (even billboards!) must be removed before midnight.

The US has laws where you aren’t allowed to campaign within 100 yards of a polling site. NZ has that buffer but it’s as far as the freakin’ shoreline on the day of elections.


That’s not what polls are. They aren’t fact and they don’t represent “American voters.” They represent “American voters who answer a phone call from an unknown number.”


It’s too damned early to take any poll seriously.
I plan to ignore 'em all until October, since way too many things can happen between now and then.


I wasn’t putting words in your mouth. I used a common expression (“glass half full”) to summarize your opinion, which you just reiterated: that you see things moving in a positive direction.

I acknowledge that things may be moving in a positive direction, but I’m pointing out that it’s frightening we’re in such a precarious situation to begin with. Both opinions can be valid and not contradictory.

You should maybe check if said common expression means what you think. I have only heard it used to mean that one focuses on the good in the current situation, not anything about positive change.


Yep. He’s using it wrong and doubling down about telling me what I think even after I asked them politely not to. It’s rude.
It’s like if there’s a mass shooting going on and the shooter has to reload, allowing a few people to get away alive, I’m glad of that. It’s hardly a “glass half full” scenario. :roll_eyes:


No, you did, in fact, put words in @ClutchLinkey’s mouth.

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