Pornhub confirms Fortnite as their top searched video game

Any game with female characters will inevitably have its character’s 3d data ripped out and reused/modified to make porn. (This is like a sub-clause to the Rule 34 thing) There’s a whole cottage industry of skilled animators supplying it to their paying customers via Patreon.
The impetus behind this particular boom was the release of Valve’s Source Film Maker in 2012. This is why SFM is a common Pornhub search term when coupled with various video game and cartoons.


What, exactly, is “Fortnight?”

Maybe the overlap makes a little more sense with this context:


That’s fuckin nuts!

Also, makes me feel a lil better about how I spent my time in school…


I’m told by young people that Fortnite and PUBG are what everyone is playing and that they’re tied in to Snapchat and Instagram. They involve a lot of killing and bragging on social media about being good at killing. I dunno, man, I’m fuckin’ old.


A last man standing death match game with a simple crafting mechanic (you can bust apart houses for wood then build ramps and towers to shoot at other players from).

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