Post-Trump, Conservatives not shy about showing their contempt for the poor

Poor = lazy … in waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many minds.


Entire article (no paywall) is here:


The truth about these dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die.

That’s a hell of a deluded pivot for the GOP-of-inherited-wealth to publish in NR after 30+ solid years of trickling “Shining City on a Hill” puffing to people who actually know what real work feels like.

The rich kids are having a toddler meltdown. Yikes! :smiley_cat:


They always held the poor in just as much contempt, it just wasn’t until their useful idiots realized that these guys were screwing them that they were enraged enough to say things like

in public. I mean, wow, that guy is channeling some serious 18th century tory indignation right there.


Kevin Williamson’s little word-puke started out free-to-read. Then NRO put it behind a paywall, presumably out of shame.

they deserve to die. Economically, they are negative assets. Morally, they are indefensible.

He might be writing about NRO, which requires subsidies to keep publishing.

the family anarchy — which is to say, the whelping of human children

This is why Kevin Williamson works to improve access to contraception, family-planning advice and abortions. No, wait.


This is a Gresham dynamic. Very well known in economics, and very well ignored by the vast mainstream economic apologists.


I’m not usually a crystals fanatic, but suddenly I’m feeling very drawn to gypsum.

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You might be interested in Michael Lind’s ideas on the difference between “charity” liberals (progressives, largely self serving) and “solidarity” liberals (kind of like the New Dealers, full employment seeking, but anti-elite and self-defeating).

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If the povs want respect, then they would should go out and earn some speech!


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All the average American wants is a better life for their children.

All the average American wants is an honest chance to prove themselves and not have to be reliant on others.

All the average American wants is decency and fairness in the legal and economic spheres.

Thanks, the first part of your sentence spurred my thoughts too…


I am from the first world, and by its standards I am absolutely not from a fairly rich family. I can read though!

All I’ve read in the mainstream for the past thirty years is how all the policies we’ve seen put in place were going to be a great big bonanza for EVERYONE Worldwide! WHOOP-WHOOP!
Didn’t happen…
Now we get to cheer on the forced transients for their spunk and get-up-and-go! (according to you)
Tell you what, and nobody seems to say THIS about American’s lack of “mobility”. In the U.S., in order to have a any sort of decent family life, ya’ know, with kids, you need two income earners, and when one income earner gets dumped by the local corporation, the other has to desperately hang on, not go off on a jaunt to field better opportunities elsewhere. Most Americans can’t just chase off around the country to seek their fortune because it would guarantee their collapse.


If my memories of EC101 serve, this is the part where I’m supposed to invoke ‘comparative advantage’ as an axiomatic demonstration that free trade couldn’t possibly go badly.*

*assuming a frictionless, perfectly spherical, labor force and various other contrafactuals


You shameless welfare-statist. He said that they deserved to die; not that we have any sort of collective responsibility to kill them off for them.


My advice to people is that the first step in pulling yourself out of poverty is to not have children.

Honestly, this doesn’t sound that much different than stuff conservatives have been saying for years. They have always put “the market” ahead of people and communities, I guess the only difference is now they make no pretense to care about small town America.


So, basically, you’re saying that your own experiences of poverty and immigration, means he can’t understand such things?

And I don’t think @Ulysses was frothing at the mouth. There is a real critique of this system we all live in to be made. There is plenty enough exploitation of all sorts of people to go around. Being angry about the system generally comes from some sort of understanding of what’s actually happening in it - either from a personal or even from a 10,000 foot view.



Well you’re here saying that the American poor should get off their asses and work like South East Asian factory workers. That’s tone deaf at best and is highly likely to raise some hackles. You should probably be a little more thick skinned if you want to take that line.


The poster also seems to be assuming that everyone here (other than themselves) is from the U.S., when in fact it’s an international forum.