Post your Pet or animal Pics (Part 1)

Pippin, after I introduced him to tree climbing by sticking him halfway up a small one:

At first he was a bit nervous, but you could see that he was pretty interested in the new possibilities. After a minute or so, he was really going for it :smile:


This is the best of all possible threads.

Her Highness trying on hats:


So, Iris is a 9 month old kitty, and she has been pretty interested in Minnie Pearl. At first, I was afraid she’d think the kitten was a chew toy, because Iris can get pretty rambunctious. But last night, Iris pinned Minnie down and cleaned her ears and her butt. Apparently, she found my bathing technique to be lacking, and she has picked up the slack. (Might I just say, fuck yeah!)

Then, Iris showed Minnie how to use the litter box. Like seriously, wow. Iris got in and scratched, Minnie got in and scratched. Then Minnie had a nice big pee, and Iris covered it up. It was pretty wonderful, but I didn’t run for the camera, because even though I was impressed, it was more sweet than cute.

Here is a getting to know you pic:

They are sisters, possibly half-sisters. Their mom is a mouser in an auto shop, though obviously not a great mom… that needs to be fixed, but that would mean catching her.


The first time I brought a kitten home to adult cats, I worried as you did. But that was a tough little kitteh, and she very quickly became the queen of the roost. After that, I didn’t worry so much. Our little flame-point Manx was no older than 3 weeks when we brought her home. About 2 weeks later, she was running the Derpasaurus and the Holstein (there’s a silly pic of all three up at 160).


Me with a bird pal in Bath.


How good can they take care. Moving. And correct cleaning helps the little kitten cleaning herself.


Yes! I tried my best to keep the little one clean, but Iris did a better job.

Minnie has improved a lot in 6 days. She is healthy (except for one eye, which is still getting better) and playing like she should at her age. Iris gets the credit for the improvement, I think. They are wonderful together.


Oh, great! Nice picture, bonding together.
But Iris is also picking up the good work you did. :slight_smile:


Imma gonna die of diabetic shock from too much squee!


As you can imagine, I’m having a hard time getting things done. Minnie is running around, jumping and playing. She’s just so frickin’ cute, and SO much more interesting than copy editing this durn website on my plate today.

I certainly don’t want to complain about a task that is fine and pays bills, but seriously. Grammar/spelling/SEO or this?


The only thing I hate about kittens is that they don’t stay that way fo-evah.

Too effin’ cute. I’m total sucker for siamese mixes.


That’s what this livestream is for:

Hmmm… The first one had ended, and now this one won’t show as a video.


Hmm, can you guess who was brushing a Pomeranian for the past half-hour?


I got you beat, I brushed the undercoat off my shepherd for an hour today. looks like a herd of bunnies took up residence below my porch. Tomorrow I’ll vacuum the carpet, I’ll be emptying the canister twice or more. Springtime…


Always loved harvesting shepherd bunnies in the spring…


It’s a Boy!

The wonderful kitten previously known as Minnie Pearl is actually a little dude. I guessed I jumped the gun on calling him a girl, maybe because his early troubles delayed his (um…) development. He sure is doing fantastic now.

He totally loves the name (also food, Iris, and cuddling in my sweater) and comes bouncy scampering when I call. So, may I please introduce you to:

Manny Pearl

He actually has some food on his face in that photo, because he’s moved up to canned food with a little milk. And, he’s started playing with toys, and using the litter box on his own.

Everything’s coming up Manny Pearl!


My cat Magnus…


Found a very satisfied and proud cat. Not really found, she was calling me.
Warning: cute, but morbid.

Not the first time, but the first time she made a terrible mess. Now I was able to prevent it, but boy was she mad at me for 2 day’s.


Oh my long gone kitty I had before I moved to Seattle. He would leave THE BACK HALF of the rabbit out for me to find. He never hunted birds though I would have given him a pass if he killed a few of the jays out of spite as they would harass him when all he wanted to do was go have some cat nip from the garden and take a nap in the sun.


That made me LOL! I like the composition of the picture, too.