Post your Pet or animal Pics (Part 2)

I’m so sorry. Extra internet skritches for the buck and invisible hugs for you and your family.


Monsters Inc Hug GIF


It does look like you’re getting another squab!
We had some a month or so back, in a roof-top planter.
Three squabs made it to fledgling before a cat found the nest.
One adult and one fledgling survived.

On the bright side - the fledgling is now an adult and due to their unusual markings, we know it’s them when they come to visit every day.


Table manners do matter…




Oh no, after all you did to try to help her. I thought it was working. This is awful.

cats bunny GIF


Big hugs to you and your fellow humans and to the lonely buck left behind.
Your posts here about your sweet Doe (and buck) have taught me so much about rabbits. Her legacy lives on.
And, I know it’s probably of little comfort right now, but it’s so nice that she got to spend her last hours with you all, in the place she called home.
Sending huge internet hugs your way.


The water bowl has been very popular today. When it gets this hot, I sometimes have to refill it by hand as well as the drip irrigation filling it 3x weekly. Every so often, it is completely emptied over night.
The birds are panting. It’s 101, “feels like” 110.

I might go dump some ice in there



Oh,It is you…


Pigeon family update
We have 2 hatchlings!

The egg I thought may have been dead wasn’t. Baby pigeons are a weird combination of adorbs and grotesque

EDIT: I added a new picture clearly featuring both chicks.


They look like raw oysters with feathers


My painting of @armozel 's beautiful fish. Many thanks for allowing me to use your photo!


(I’m hoping someone on the internet will buy this soon. I’ve run out of food and kitty litter for the cats.)

Dulce says thank you, too!

ETA: And SOLD to @FloridaManJefe before I could even upload it to InstaGram!

I think that’s my fastest sale yet!

I’m thinking of putting the image up on RedBubble or another print-on-demand site if anyone would like to get a print of it. I need to go find a good scanner at a local storefront first.


This week, Mr. Xuxu, our tuxedo cat, gave freaked us out a little He started to refuse food and seemed a little lethargic. My wife noticed that he was no longer using the toilet. Since Wednesday he hasn’t been to the cat bathroom.

Thursday night he ate some cat food. But he didn’t want to eat the wet food. Still, he looked a little lethargic, without that exuberant energy that cats tend to display, especially at three in the morning.

Fortunately today he went to the toilet and did what he should have been doing all week.

During all this time I was in contact with the vet and she ruled out an intestinal obstruction, as he did not present any other symptoms. He was urinating and drinking water as well. But I noticed that he no longer played with the other cats and that he was staring at them, especially the red cat, Ponkan.

I think this all started when he got his favorite cardboard box destroyed. One day we got home and found that box in pieces, with the old used dishtowels that lined the box scattered on the floor.

I have a theory that the balance of power in this house has shifted. Now Mr. Xuxu is no longer the dominant cat and that made him very, very upset.

The vet advised us to continue monitoring the cat and rush to the office in case things got worse. We are hoping that everything goes well this weekend.

“A moth!”

“There is a moth in this abat-jour.”*

“I will take care of this insect.”

*All cats are francophones.


Poor thing! He was depressed! I hope he got some cuddles! And that there is nothing physically wrong with him!


Must be getting good signal with those.


Thank you to everyone for your kind words and support the past few days. I shared your condelences with my kids, and they appreciated the warmth and love!

We are all still very sad. The buck is noticeably depressed, we doesn’t zoomie or jump up on the furniture. We are giving him extra attention since they are social animals and need interaction. We are all helping each other process our grief.


Thank you. Obrigado

Sim, sim.

I believe he developed this depression when we started to pay more attention to the red cat and, in turn, he started to abuse it, feeling like the new feline dictator of the house. Mr. Xuxu was always very calm and let the new cat take over even his favorite napping spots.

I am the easy going guy of this household. This can sometimes seem irritating, as people may think I’m not giving due attention to the issues. At first I thought it was something normal, because the tuxedo cat has always been very peaceful and even felines can have constipation or reject their usual food from time to time.

But when my wife said it was the third day with no toilet, I started to get worried. I called the Vet and she assured me that it wasn’t a case for an emergency surgery. It was when I realized how much I like these creatures.

I thought of everyone here who had lost a pet and thought to myself, “Oh no, please leave him with us a little longer. He’s so nice…” I found myself asking a favor for no one in particular.


He was enjoying the gentle winter morning sun today.

ETA better grammar…

I knew there was something wrong with him that wasn’t on a physical level. But when @Mindysan33 mentioned the word Depression, it was as if a light had been turned on. Indeed, animals, like us, have feelings and we must know how to treat them.


Cat Hug GIF


Nest update.