Post your Pet or animal Pics (Part 2)

Pigeon baby update

The younger one is aggressively nuzzling the bigger one. The older one is looking more pigeonish


My late, great cat Jack liked to wrestle… and he played HARD. I always had scratches and tiny red scabs on the backs of my hands from the times he forgot his own strength.

He was really a big sweetheart, though.


this is BuddyCat snoozing on the back steps. he was my elderly neighbor (and dear friend)'s companion. neighbor and his wife, both nearly 90yo, moved to assisted living out-of-state and could not take him with. we stepped in and adopted this loving, sweet and very chill chonker of a cat.
Joe just called him “Cat”, i call him Buddy (hence, his proper name is BuddyCat). he went to the vet today and was the bravest, most cool cat i have ever taken to get checked, vaccinated and a good ear cleaning. this 7kg fighter actually purred the whole time on the exam table! we were all amazed at his entirely undrugged attitude of calm. it was as if he enjoyed all the attention! the ear cleaning, which would send other cats into the rafters, was like he was having spa day.
the vet is a cat specialist and the clinic is a certified “Cruelty Free” operation. they are very gentle and kind. Buddy was just amazing! got him chipped with my contact info so that if he wanders, he can find his way home.
i think he is happy here and, even missing Joe, he and i spend time bonding and i think it is good. here he is in my rocking chair on the porch:

he looks a lot like ChiliDogCat, but is twice her size.
he’s my buddy!


Yeah, this is Gremlin to a T. She just doesn’t know her own strength, and by far the biggest cat I’ve ever hosted.


All You wanted to know about baby birds:

All About Baby Birds If you spend enough time outside in July, you’re sure to encounter some newly minted birds. We’ve created a helpful FAQ to help answer the plethora of questions we receive about bird babies during this time of year, such as: What do I do if I find a baby bird?, Why do some birds leave the nest before they can fly?, and Why is a little bird feeding a much bigger bird?


Breakfast of the champions.


Finally got our street boy, Evil Bootsie, in the house Sunday night. He was off to the vet Monday morning…
He’s not too happy about being in there, but he does seem to enjoy his forced lap time after a the first few minutes of protest.
He was a perfect gentleman for the vet (was very surprised). Got his shots and tested for FIV/FLV (no surprise that he is FIV+ – I’m guessing that he’s the one who infected the others we’ve taken off the street)
He gets neutered next monday (I’ve been pushing his neuter appointment since May because he wasn’t quite ready).
I knew he was polydactyl, but figured that he only had an extra toe – he has 7 on each front and 5 on each rear paw, so 24 vs normal 18.
We currently have 2 bonus cats – Evil Bootsie and his favorite victim Broken Bob. (We’ll be babysitting another next week, so we have a very full house right now).



I wonder if there is a relationship between extra toes and lots o whiskers?


Wow! He’s a wonderful kitty with all the extra special toe beans. :heart_eyes_cat:

He does seem to be blessed with a thick set of whiskers.


I’m surprised that he seems like he might be capable of settling down as a house cat (if I can find somebody). He is a compact ball of muscle – no wonder he ruled the street with an iron fist (I guess he had an advantage in the claw department)


Pigeon baby update
It appears the smaller sibling passed. Either by neglect by mamabird or smothered by bigger sibling


We’re getting a foster kitty any day now. The LBC shelter was inundated with cats after the July 4th extravaganza. He’s about 2-ish and his name is Jay, so my husband has decided he will be called Dr. J. Or Jaybird. (I’m already worried about my husband becoming attached; the kitty isn’t even here yet and he’s coming up with nicknames. :neutral_face:)

Will post photos soon. :slightly_smiling_face:


And now I’m wondering: Is there any particular relationship between those two things? Or just happenstance of timing?


Just an overwhelming amount of frightened kitties who run away due to all the loud fireworks. :crying_cat_face:


… where do I go to get myself tested for parasites that lead to motor and neurological breakdown :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Oh, I get it now—d’oh. That’s so sad that the kitties run away. My mind went somewhere completely different, like…Oh, did the shelter have a big PR event over the long weekend, so now everyone knows about the shelter?…Or…Gee, I didn’t think that the Fourth of July was a big gift-giving holiday (like the way people receive pets as unwelcome gifts at Christmastime)… duh.

I used to cat-sit a lot for my neighbors downstairs, and they always went away for a week or so over the Fourth. The cats would get so uneasy with all the fireworks in the neighborhood, and one of the three would go in the clothes closet of the main bedroom and hide as deep in there as she possibly could. I felt so bad for her.


So this innocent feral kitty just put my wife in the hospital. She’s been hanging around our yard for around 8 years. The cat, my wife has been hanging around a lot longer.

Yesterday morning she was brushing her and tried to get out some matted fur. Kitty didn’t like that and bit her hand.

A couple deep puncture wounds but she didn’t say anything to me until this morning. It was swollen so she went to our local urgent care where they promptly sent her to the ER. The ER pumped her up with antibiotics but they are transferring her to a better hospital to be admitted. The infection has spread up her arm and they found a mass in her hand that needs a surgeon to look at.

What’s that old saying about biting the hand that feeds you?

They want us to call animal control but no way are we signing kitties death certificate for being a kitty.


Oh my goodness! Oh, dear. I hope this all turns out well for your wife and the kitty both.

May your wife heal quickly.


Best wishes for your wife (and kitteh).
I’ve had my hand blow up like a misshapen football as a result of an ignored feral bite – not fun. I’ve learned to get to urgent care ASAP now (Although, I need to add deep claw punctures to that rule now – had two little punctures between my knuckles start to really get inflamed a couple weeks ago – doc put me on 12 days of horse-pill antibiotics.)


Yeah, pretty swollen but the hand surgeon looked at the xrays and determined the density is not a foreign object. They said a lot of times kitty leaves part of a tooth behind.

County animal control did call us. They were very nice, once they understood it was a known feral they had no problem with us keeping an eye on her but the officer did say if for some reason we lost track of her within 10 days she’d have to start prophylactic rabies treatment.

She’s going to get a good talking to with her bedtime cookies. The cat, not my wife.

Side note, we are the only two people with N95s. The xray tech had on a mask but none of the sick people or the staff are wearing masks. Go figure.