Post your Pet or animal Pics (Part 2)

I just put my cat to sleep today, it’s been a really sad day for me and my SO. My cat loved me to bits and was a dick to everyone else but i made sure he was very well loved and taken care of, had him since he was a couple of days old when my mom found him in the garden section of a Home Depot. Mother must’ve moved the litter and left him behind, he barely survived and his ever burning will to live was annoying and endearing. It’s unbelievably heart breaking to lose my cat of 11 years or so today, but i’ll never forget him. He trusted me and i feel like i let him down somehow. Love you Kahn



So sorry to hear it.


I’m so sorry… what a beauty, tho… look at those toe beans!


You really captured the feeling. It’s such a heartbreaking decision, and it adds to the grief in what I’ve found to be a lingering and complicated way.
I hope you and your SO can be as kind and loving to yourselves as you undoubtedly were to Kahn.
Big hugs, and so sorry for your loss. :heart:


I’m so sorry to hear this.


I did a health screening for him early in the year and he looked to be pretty healthy besides being somewhat overweight. Found out today that apparently he had a cancerous growth and sometime last night it burst, we thought it was maybe a urinary infection or kidney stones since he had issues with those in the past. There wasn’t much they could do for him but i wish this had been caught the first time around. At least we made a quick choice so i hope he didn’t suffer too much.

It’s a lot to process, that cat’s been with me through thick and thin, really helped my mental health at the worst of it. Thanks everyone for the kind words.



I’m so sorry

Sad Best Friends GIF by Lisa Vertudaches


I’m so sorry. It’s so hard, even knowing it was the kindest, most loving thing to do for him. Wishing you and your SO peace and healing.


Doe in the forest preserve. There was a buck nearby but I couldn’t get a picture in time.


Bald Eagle nest (aerie). The eagle was soaring overhead but I couldnt get a good picture. Nest is probably two meters wide.

Fluffy boi in the back yard


This guy was enjoying the unusually warm weather in December in Michigan.

This is right outside our upstairs bedroom.

I have a nice new house built but this guy has been living in this one for quite a few years. He/she (we’re not quite sure) has it all packed up for the winter and I hate to force him into a brand new house when he’s not ready.

There’s even a much newer house one branch over but this squirrel likes this one.

The uncropped photo shows how big and deep the house is. I watched him the other day dragging in all sorts of twigs, leaves, and anything else that wasn’t nailed down.


Well…but, this one is obviously tasty!

Gives new meaning to the old idiom “eating one out of house and home”… I mean, who eats themself out of house and home by actually eating their own home??


It is so hard when the kitty cannot tell us something is wrong. We do our best, our vets do their best.
This doesn’t sound like something that could have been caught during a routine health screening. Cancer, the fucker, is often stealthy in humans. Far more so in cats.
It is so hard not to blame ourselves

There For You Sympathy GIF


I’m very sorry for your loss. While your heart may be broken right now, you should take solace that your kitty had the perfect human best friend for his 11 years.

Sad Schitts Creek GIF by CBC


Great tits.

Great tit… I thing I might be wrong.



Thanks to @ClutchLinkey for the idea.


Every Sunday with a dog is a good Sunday. Today an animal shelter opened its doors to anyone who wanted to walk their dogs. Of course my wife called me to visit the place with Her. Oh, what a lovely morning. All the animals were good boys and girls. Some were even adopted today! If we didn’t have cats…


First snow!


This is his new favorite sleeping spot so we can’t close the bathroom door most of the day.

He found the Christmas bed last night.

He’s about 90:10 with the liter box, we were using washable pads that my wife made but it’s getting to be too much so this is the room he uses the most.

I’m thinking about numbering the pads and selling squares.


Why spend money on fancy toys for cats when they have so much more fun with the handles of these old tote bags?