Post your Pet or animal Pics (Part 2)



Replace, “Angel” with “Dog”.


It’s been a while, so here’s a foster kitten update:

Mama Cat is finally gaining weight after going through all the meds for intestinal parasites of every sort. She’s a lap cat and a good mama, and her eyes are almost orange. She didn’t pick the best daddy for her kittens though: two of the have pectus excavatum, aka funnel chest, and all three seem to have had developmental delays. They are all clumsy for their age and were very slow to start playing and wrestling and such. They all are “coming online” now, so it’ll be interesting to see how their personalities develop and come through.

Mini-me is still the smallest by far, very sweet, smarter than her brothers. She has mild pectus excavatum: a small dent at the end of her sternum and slightly malformed lower rib cage.

Yellow also has a funnel chest, and his is more pronounced than his sister’s. His eyes are a little odd; they tend to stay dilated and have a slightly droopy shape. He’s the shyest of the three.

Heavy does not appear to have pectus excavatum, and as his name indicates, he’s a big boy. We think he might keep his blue eyes, which would be striking against his coat color.


Hey, I read this good boy is about to get adopted.



The gray cat got jealous and slapped the white one when I started petting him.


Downtown cats. I was passing by this store when I saw this gray kitten. I asked the owner/manager if I could photograph the animal. He authorized me and went to the back of the store to get the tabby, a very nice kitten.


Oh nos.

Our daughter and husband’s recently adopted cat didn’t make it. They had him for 60 days. He was at the vet almost every day and in the hospital for 5 days.

They tried everything but his kidneys were just too far gone. He was 8 years old.


so sorry for you all’s loss. and to @Grey_Devil , y’all made me think of this book that my mum gave me when i lost my favorite kitty, Miss Inclined. she was a manx tabby and i still miss her.


Thank you. I just ordered the hard cover for our daughter.


That sucks. My best to your daughter and her husband… it really doesn’t matter how long you have a pet, it’s still feels awful to lose them…


I appreciate the kind words and the recommendation.

Earlier in the week i received my cat’s paw print and ashes, they’re next to me as i write this. The intent is to have it on a shelf over my computer desk, i just need to find a place that can cut and plane a pair of planks of wood to specific dimensions for said shelves.

On related note, this saturday me and my fiancee will go to a foster’s place to look at a new kitty cat to add to the household. Hoping we’ll be a good fit and that the kitty will like us :slight_smile:


I Love You Hug GIF


I don’t know any easy way to say this but there’s a very real chance that gray kitty is a Sith Lord.


I thought we were the only ones with a dedicated shelf.

This is our shelf, there are currently 7 up there. Our daughter knows who goes with me and my wife when the time comes. There are also a couple hard cover books we had made for them.

The dog and the cat on the left are in their favorite bowls, they were together for 18 years. They go with me.


It’s a shame pets leave us so soon but the love they give us is the best. Tis a very fine shelf you have there. For my cat i have a little stuffed toy he loved when he was a kitten that i saved, i plan to put it along with his remains on the shelf when i find what box i have it stored in.


They were some next level good humans for the big kitty. So sorry for their loss :cry:

Sad Disney GIF


I feel bad for just keeping my sets of ashes in their box, somewhere I don’t remember. Love the shrine.


So this is cool.

They went all in trying things, whenever the vet suggested something like special food or prescription diet stuff they order a ton because they thought it would help.

They had a big order on the way from Chewy, she contacted them and told them what happened and could she return the unopened package.

They said keep the shipment, donate it to a shelter and they refunded her complete payment.

Way to go Chewy.


Did the same with Amazon, though Amazon didn’t ask too many questions but it was a hassle regardless. I got my cat’s food the day after we put him down, so i tried doing a return for the unopened food and it told me the item wasn’t refundable. So i tried the Amazon customer service chat(bot) and it gave me the refund and told me to keep the food. I’ll probably slowly mix it into the other cats’ food over time.