Baillie: “WTF am I supposed to do with this?”
Me: “Don’t smoke it, chew it. It’s meant to be good for your teeth.”
Baillie: “Fuck that, it’s going under the couch cushion. You’ll never find it.”
Arnold Schwarzenbunner
Yes. On the University of Minnesota campus, among the health sciences buildings and hospital.
The campus was mostly deserted, for winter break.
It was only after I opened the photo on the computer that I noticed that the kiskadee had an unfortunate gecko in its beak.
Whoa. That looks like one huge turkey. I wish there was a for scale because from the picture, it looks like a 5 ft. 2 in. big bird.
Hmm…I’d say it was probably three feet—or a little more—tall. Still, pretty impressive in person (in bird?). It spread its wings, but that was before I got my phone out.
This is how’s he spends a big chunk of the day. He wakes up eats and drinks a little and then goes back to sleep.
He gets visitors throughout the day.
He used to come upstairs and sleep with me, he hasn’t done that in months. Last night I brought him upstairs to bed, he wanted no part of it and got lost looking for the stairs so I had to bring him downstairs. He went right back to the food dish and went to sleep.
But, he’s doing better than he was a few days ago.
This is his second happy spot, it was a Christmas present. He seems to prefer the floor now but he can still get up on things.
We just took our latest foster kitties back to get ready for adoption.
They were transport kitties that came up to Maine from the Florida panhandle. They arrived in a van full of cats and dogs late on a Friday night about 2 weeks before Christmas. They both had respiratory issues, and we got them all healthy and socialized.
Here’s Sylvee, part Manx:
Up in the opening above the bedroom door.
And her friend Applesauce:
Looking like he walked right off a Halloween card.
Join me in wishing they speedily find their forever home, hopefully together.
Was Ravus interrupting your drawing, or were you interrupting their portrait session?