Post your Pet or animal Pics (Part 2)

This little mousie made a very poor decision this evening, thinking my janky sunporch - aka the“cat zone” - would be a good place to explore. All three cats were hunting it, and doing a piss-poor job of it, I might add. They chased it under the shop vac, where Kiddo encouraged it to stay while I evicted the cats and set up a funnel trap leading to a waste basket with hidey things in it.

I released it at the fence line pointing toward my neighbor’s shed, and all three cats are refusing to even look at me out of sheer betrayal.



The Princess followed a black cricket, missing one back leg, around for 30 minutes. Failed to kill it. Eventually I took it outside, feeling bad it was being tortured by a relentless and unending pursuit. At least outside its death might come swiftly on wings
The cat glared


“$500 worth of cat toys and she spends the afternoon playing with a cricket.”


Right, right… “playing.”

angry jiminy cricket GIF



First day of poppy season in my area.

It’s also puppy season, but it’s always puppy season.


Harry, aka Old Man, passed away Tuesday afternoon.

We made the decision Sunday evening, he was still eating and drinking but he was getting very weak. Sunday night he slept with me upstairs, he wasn’t able to make it up the stairs for months so I brought him up there, it was very nice.

When the doctor came to the house he was resting peacefully but he was extremely weak, it was a very peaceful passing.

We are so grateful to be able to have a doctor come to the house, it was so much easier on him than having to transport him a long distance to the vet.

These are from 17 years ago when he first came to us. When I took those first two photos we knew he was something special. He was still using that water dish last week. He’s also the last kitty to have known our dog who was with us for 17 years. He passed away quite a few years ago.

These two were buddies, the orange guy passed away almost 3 years to the day when Harry passed

His nap buddy here is 13 or 14 years old, She actually got up next to him while the doctor was administering the sedative and then stuck around for a bit after.

These were taken 17 years apart.

This is where Harry will hang out until I end up in a box and then he goes with me. I made that mat this morning.


Monsters Inc Hug GIF


all the love my shriveled old heart can muster - the kind of love i save for cats - the kind of love i often cannot express to any other…

my heart aches for you and for the love of “old man” Harry.
may you find peace in sharing this grief.
thank you for sharing his days with us. Harry is well loved, i think, by everyone you touched with his story of a lovely, loving life.

ohm mani padme hum


I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing a bit of your life with Harry on this thread. It gave me.comfort when I missed my Old Man kitteh


My condolences to you and your family. Harry was very lucky to have you all as his human family. :cry:

animals spooning hug GIF


This very sad news. I’m so sorry for your family, losing such a precious kitty. Thanks for sharing him with us here.


Sorry to hear it. Hurts every time.


I posted this in the crafts thread but relevant to your post

I had been really eager to get my shelf set up so i could properly display and honor my cat that passed away in December. Need to see what else i can put on the shelf, but for now it really fills my heart with joy that he’s sitting above me by my computer.

Hope that you’ll find happiness the memories that you built with your kitty despite him passing away.


I’m so sorry. What a sweetie he was. You gave him a good life, and such good care.


Much love, empathy, and sympathy from this crazy cat person down south. Cats named Harry are extra special, and from your posts here about your Old Man Harry bear that out. You gave him the best life to the end.


What a wonderful cat. Thank you so much for sharing his journey. I’m really going to miss him. :smiling_face_with_tear: All my best to you and your family, he was lucky to have so much love from you all.



Thank you everyone for the sympathy messages. I showed my wife, she was happy to see the comments.

Other areas of this forum can evoke all sorts of reactions and emotions but this particular topic is always a source for just plain old feel good stuff.

It’s my favorite topic on this site.

Thanks for making it so pleasant.

I usually make a nice hard cover book for each pet that leaves us, this is going to be the cover of Harry’s book.