Holy cow, I didn’t know we had Snowy Owls this far south where it doesn’t snow so much anymore! Neat!
Snow is glowing in the Russian Arctic. The culprit? Tiny sea creatures.
Tiny bioluminescent animals called copepods recently lit up the snow near a remote field station, in the first documented sighting of its kind.
A Steller’s sea eagle, a rare raptor native to parts of Asia and eastern Russia, has been spotted mingling with bald eagles along a river in southeastern Massachusetts.
Randy bugger probably has a nest in every port.
Last night the old deaf slightly blind slightly dementia guy sat in front of the treat cupboard like this for about 15 minutes. Just stared and didn’t move. We tried offering him his treats but he just sat there so we let him be. Then we heard a crash, he got on to the second shelf in the back and pulled these out then he just sat there until we came and gave him one.
I wish he could talk so we knew what he wanted. Those squeeze things are great for the older cat.
That shot looks like there should be a tiny Sigfried and Roy standing to either side pretending to levitate the kitty.
A good boy deserves presents!
I really like those tall standing nutcrackers!
Or just darkness