Not enough room in the bed but it would help if Big Floof scooted over a bit
Bitey Kitten (soon to be Less Bitey Cat) likes lemon curd of all things. She’s all “gimme butter and eggs”, never mind about that citrus. Weird cat.
Dulce update:
Okay, both the kiddos got their final antibiotic injection this afternoon, and they’re good to go until parasite treatment next week and vaccines in the future (along with spay and neuter when the time comes).
The atmosphere in the apartment is cooling down, and Ruby, Gremlin, and Pastel are becoming more adjusted to the newcomers. There’s still a little bit of hissing when kitties cross paths, but I’m confident the kittens are safe around the OG kitties.
Ruby and Gremlin were avoiding the bedroom for a couple of days, but Gremlin is coming to me for petting, and Ruby is again sleeping next to me at night.
I’m waiting to name the kittens when their personalities are more solidified, but I’m seriously considering naming the girl Rudolph for her bright pink nose.
ETA: Given that Dulce and kiddos are still kind of feral, I bought some dry shampoo to give them a bath. The kittens are still not grasping the difference between laundry and kitty litter, and they’re occasionally getting dirty from their habits.
I had a cat who loved grapefruit juice. I had to watch her carefully if I had any.
It’s possible the antibiotics and parasites have messed up their ability to know when they need to poop. Plus, diarrhea. We had this issue with a very ill and very young kitty. Made a mess out of himself every time and pooped everywhere until we had so many litter boxes he was never more than 10ft away from one.
This is him now, old man of almost 15.
I would accept that scenario if they weren’t within 3 feet of the litter box when they’re doing it.
If it has anything to do with texture, I’m using the finest grit I can find…Arm & Hammer. I think they’ve been acclimated to going on the laundry because it feels like the stuff piled together where I found them, and they’d been using it as a bathroom for a month.
Either way, I’m doing all the laundry right now and will eliminate any floor-level attractions.
ETA: Some good news…Dulce is feeling better. The kittens found the catnip mice my cats lost, and Dulce has been playing with them with enthusiasm.
He is handsome! Bonitão!
This is clearly a British duck.
Only Brits could queue like this.
Cat was super excited and when I saw the mocking bird fledgling I was too. Cat was purring and birb was cheeping. Terrible pics because of the solar screen, sorry.
Eta: I need to clean the cat cheek-oil off. That might have helped
Reminds me of my mother’s faux French door leading to the backyard. Nose prints all the way across at just a few inches high.
Yay! The baby boy is using the litter box!
In all fairness, Beautiful Girl is the default mode in my household. This little guy is the outlier.
well, now the cat’s out of the bag
Mr. Skink must have lost his blue tail while I was moving a woodpile. Not to worry, it’ll grow right back.
ETA These cute reptiles can defensively drop all or part of their tails, which wiggle to distract predators while the skink cheeses it.
Resting after spending a couple hours outside today. She comes onto the steps when she’s ready to go in. She’ll also jump in my arms when I don’t pick her up quick enough.