Postal worker raced Mustang in USPS van, hitting 105 mph

Kombucha No But GIF

But even given that, I don’t think that throwing people in jail is the answer to that problem. Greater pedestrian protections would probably be more helpful. :woman_shrugging:

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I’m not a jail supporter in general. I don’t think it solves problems.

Stopping people who do shit like that driving is pretty effective though. Go racing on a public road? Your license to drive is withdrawn.


Makes more sense than jail yeah… the time fits the crime as they say!

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Yes, just the country kid(s) getting off the school bus(es)

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Liberty and freedom are rights that the state should be very wary of infringing. Driving is something you are licensed to do.

Or are not.

It’s not a human right.

Obviously District Court Judges here feel differently, they are wrong though, in morality and in law, but drivers are the one set of criminals they are unfailingly able to see themselves in and feel sympathy and empathy towards.

For some reason.


In an article that I read about that same vehicle the owner claims to have hit 108 mph in it. But the wheelbase, high center-of-gravity, poor aerodynamics, etc do make high speeds in that thing pretty dicey.

Too right, and not just pedestrians. Other road users, too. (Other drivers, motor-cyclists, ordinary cyclists.) Controlling a vehicle at that speed is harder and the slightest error can result in disaster.

And welcome to the BBS!

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