it is intermittent (and not this afternoon) and only a very, very tiny issue. feel free to repurpose this for Monty Python jokes.
Well played sir, well played you have skewered me.
(I can do this all kniggit(oh FSM I’ve gone meta(holy crap I’ve gone plaid!!)))
I’ll stop, I promise.
Just happened again for me, moments ago, after several days of uneventful posting.
I use Chrome. I was able to post once okay but then I had no editing tools (though there were some other tools). When I clicked near the post it opened the editing box and I got the Gateway 504 error when I opened the editor though it allowed me to continue.
When I reposted the edited post I had duplicate posts. I deleted the old one. I tried it again, same thing.
Hamburger is working though!
Thanks for letting me know, be sure to post here when it happens cause I have a point in time to hunt for correlation in the logs.
Will do. Happened to me again a couple hours ago, but wasn’t sure if you needed or wanted constant updates.
Happened to me earlier today on this post, which is what led to me double-posting (and what’s with not being able to delete posts?)
Not happening all of the time now, maybe about half.
I just isolated and fixed an issue that caused this “glitch” when topics automatically close. (we ran a very slow query on auto close)
Ping me here if you notice it again.
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