Posting issue

it is intermittent (and not this afternoon) and only a very, very tiny issue. feel free to repurpose this for Monty Python jokes.

… Well … that is the kind of attitude I have come to expect from you non-creative bastards…


Well played sir, well played :smile: you have skewered me.

(I can do this all kniggit(oh FSM I’ve gone meta(holy crap I’ve gone plaid!!)))

I’ll stop, I promise.


Just happened again for me, moments ago, after several days of uneventful posting.

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I use Chrome. I was able to post once okay but then I had no editing tools (though there were some other tools). When I clicked near the post it opened the editing box and I got the Gateway 504 error when I opened the editor though it allowed me to continue.

When I reposted the edited post I had duplicate posts. I deleted the old one. I tried it again, same thing.

Hamburger is working though!

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Thanks for letting me know, be sure to post here when it happens cause I have a point in time to hunt for correlation in the logs.

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Will do. Happened to me again a couple hours ago, but wasn’t sure if you needed or wanted constant updates. :wink:

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Happened to me earlier today on this post, which is what led to me double-posting (and what’s with not being able to delete posts?)

Not happening all of the time now, maybe about half.

I just isolated and fixed an issue that caused this “glitch” when topics automatically close. (we ran a very slow query on auto close)

Ping me here if you notice it again.

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