Pound sinks as Britain weighs EU exit

The Scots are British.
The Scots seem to have never really wanted independence. Ever. And should the British choose to be an independent nation, Scotland would likely split from the English and choose to remain tethered to mama-Europe’s teat.

There are an awful lot of the queyntes.

So Brexit will be bad for Europe, which could do without accelerating the burgeoning economic imbalance between Germany and everyone else even further.

Regarding Boris, I suspect he will be perfectly happy as the tinpot dictator of a crackpot banana republic constitutional monarchy.

While I agree with your opinion of British diffidence in terms of participating fully in the EU, I don’t think it’s fair to characterise the British Government as unique in this. Most EU member states take a very pick-and-choose approach to EU legislation - for instance many did not fully allow immigration from the new member states for years after they joined.

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Admittedly, that was in large part due to the ample indigenous supply of plumbers a.s. If Mrs T didn’t destroy UK vocational training there would be half as many Polish plumbers and Romanian bricklayers in the UK and we could have saved us this whole referendum shenanigans :wink:


And the two wars of independence that started 1296 and were both ended by 1357 were not exactly attracting people to the cause, judging by the massive outnumbering.

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