Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/03/24/precocious-john-deere-loving-child-is-your-farming-grandpa-reincarnated.html
Waiting for him to ask if the owner has the right to repair it.
Yeah - someone should tell him he needs to diversify from mere hardware and also learn to be a software engineer.
My grandpa? Two of my grandparents were born on the family farm, neither was the offspring who stayed to inherit the farm, and one of those great grandpas lost his fingers in his tractor thus improving the employment opportunities for other neighboring young men.
Totally grew up around kids like that. Also kids his age who were full-on rodeo riders.
This kid could’ve been any of my cousins or brothers. Makes me nostalgic for a time before most of them decided that it was liberals and immigrants who cost us the farm, rather than Reaganomics and our country’s stubborn insistence that it’s morally just for a cancer diagnosis to bankrupt a family and cost them everything.
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