Originally published at: President Biden is clearly tired of Peter Doocy | Boing Boing
Aren’t we all?
So are the rest of us (who are not Faux News fans). I’m sure the day is coming when all of the talking heads on that network do an about-face. I would love to see them repeatedly questioned by reporters from other networks using clips of their past comments with the accompanying taunt, “but you said…”
“Yesterday you said ‘today is Thursday’, but clearly today it’s Friday, do you stand by your position that it’s Thursday?”
“Every day the weather forecast changes. Why should we trust it?”
I wonder why Lachlan Murdoch thinks it’s worth keeping this nepotism charity case in such a prominent position at his (father’s) company…
Why are Biden and Tsaki not adding “Because of your network and other sources of misinformation and conjecture…” to every response to Doocy et all?
yesterday, Dan Rather tweeted, full of sarcasm (paraphrasing): six months ago, you said wear a coat, but now you’re saying wear shorts! WHY SHOULD WE BELIEVE YOU?
National Treasure, recommend his new illustrated book, What Unites Us, fast read and is very entertaining.
Sass the Doocy, he should be left outside
Sass the Doocy he should be left outside
He’s a gonna burn, give him Psaki make him jump and prance
Its gotta be done, slap him down, give us all a chance
That’s a rough draft, right? /s
Should thow in a “Nasty man asking very unfair and impolite questions”
“Hey dookie, notice how we haven’t banned you from the press pool? That means we’re literally just better people than you and the presidents you pull for”
Imagine coming to a press briefing and learning that something is different than it was last week !! Isn’t that the literal purpose of a press briefing?
Since FOX very readily admits to being an entertainment channel, why does the WH issue them press credentials? Does HGTV or SyFy Channel have credentials?
Because some of Fox programming is supposed to be news. It isn’t all opinion.
And actually, HGTV and SyFy probably do have press credentials if they have a show covering something like a Home Show or a Comic Con.
If a deuce is a turd, then a doocy is a turd that refuses to wipe clean.
Or dye it red. I hear that helps when trying to pill a Republican.
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