President spreads hate. Again

That doesn’t appear to be the case for Trump supporters though. The people who want to keep him in office are loath to call him out on ANYTHING.


Also, kudos to Rep. Don Beyer for recognizing his privilege and using it to call out Trump’s racism.




I guess I feel like calling them racists because they support Trump is too easy for them to deny. If they are pro-life because they think that all the unborn white babies are innocent, but they don’t give a crap about the brown kids in the detention centers, then they are racists. If they think that AOC should go back to whatever country she came from, then they are racists. But calling them racist because they support a racist is weak.

“How dare you accuse me of supporting racism! I only joined the Nazi Party because I like reliable and fuel-efficient automobiles.”


I would agree with this. Trump is virulently anti-LGBT, but calling someone “homophobic” because they voted for him isn’t going to hold much water or be a productive argument, either. I think it’s better to ask questions to make them think about what, at this point, they find worth supporting, if they insist they don’t support the factually-racist parts of his platform. Because unless they’re a tremendously wealthy white person, pretty much nothing else he’s done is going to benefit them.


I think his only accomplishment is putting conservatives on the Supreme Court. And the retort to that is to ask them whether that’s worth allowing everything else, and also whether they could support someone other than Trump who could also accomplish that without all the unnecessary problems that Trump brings to the table.

Something else notable about these loathsome tweets; they’re the most coherent thing I’ve heard or read from him in weeks.

It seems that he can only concentrate when he’s being especially vile.



the word “racist” already exists and I saw no reason to be clever and use another word to describe really awful people with really awful values.
That said, it’s always better to talk about the stupid ideas than just call people names.
America has yet to have a serious and adult conversation about racism.


For what it’s worth, Hillary wasn’t just talking about racists. She was talking about the small, loud, horrible group of Trump’s supporters that are so nasty and hate-filled that they can’t be reached; they can’t be reasoned with and are eager to be angry and loathsome. Here’s her quote:

You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic – Islamophobic – you name it. And unfortunately, there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people – now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets their offensive hateful mean-spirited rhetoric. Now, some of those folks – they are irredeemable, but thankfully, they are not America.


Bit, this requires reading the whole quote. That is just not done anymore. It is too much work. Sadly, if you cannot put it on a bumper sticker, a lot of people will not pay attention. And racist dogwhistles tend to fit bumper stickers really well. Unfortunately, debunking those claims takes more attention than most of them have.


Now that I’ve watched the video, I think it’s safe to say:

As someone who has studied, in depth, the rise of the Nazis in Germany, this is it. This is exactly what Hitler did at his rallies, even down to smirkingly decrying that hateful chants of his adherents. Even down to decrying it, then validating the justification.


Did you see the “people are saying she married her brother,” shit earlier?
This is getting unbelievable. But it’s real.


People are saying Trump is a straight-up fascist who filters every decision through racist animus.

That’s what I heard from people who say stuff.


Virtually nothing Trump says or does makes any sense unless viewed through the lens of bigotry.


Yay, now he’s the Fascist Orange Klown for reals.


Literally Trump, July 15: “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. You can’t leave fast enough.”
Literally Trump’s audience, July 17: “Send her back!”
Literally Trump, July 18: “Oh, I didn’t say that, they did, and I’m not happy about it.”

You can’t shove this particular racist genie back in its bottle, trumpy


I AGREE, 1000%
I was born close enough to the end of WW2 that people were still asking, “How could the German people fall for that creep?”

Well, we are watching Americans fall for trump right now. There’s nothing unique or special about the Germans or Americans. They are fearful and react emotionally rather than using their intellect.

Now, in the US, they are a minority. All that has to happen is that the rest of Americans have to wake up and actually vote. Only then can we defeat this fascism. care

That big green area are people that stayed home in 2016. They have to vote in 2019 and 2020 or we are all screwed.