Private school in Miami will not allow their teachers to be vaccinated

Thanks for the warning! I clicked through. That was some next level crazy!
“Husbands of vaccinated women are waking up covered in strange bruises.”



This is a fucking feature not a flaw as far as these parents are concerned.

we’ve (unfortunately) got one of these touchy feely anti-vax schools near us in So. OC CA.

Features: magical woo thinking for (largely white) well to do parents who were all vaccinated by their parents, but regularly shop on the GOOP site, and don’t want “poisons” in their kids bodies… But benefit from modern medicine, and the fact that the rest of us sane and conscientious people in the community o actually get vaccinated, so their immunodeficient crotch grubs don’t die of preventable communicable disease.


I used to worry about the “woo thinking” trained employees I had to deal with, but now I’m retired and couldn’t care less that their parents addled them for life with non-fact based teachings. Frankly, they are on their own. I wish them well, just stay the f’ away from me.


What the anti vaxxers don’t realize is being immune to a raging plague makes one super sexy. :grinning:


Shia Labeouf Reaction GIF


Yep, it is.

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With parents having to sign “a document that prohibits parents from speaking ill about the academy”, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s lots even the teachers have to sign on to and put up with.

And the $30K cost may – in my mind – place this school in a certain class echelon that enjoys protection from higher up.


If the person volunteers the information, it’s legal. They cannot however be coerced or threatened to provide the information and the school cannot access the persons medical records without their consent.


Is it (the Certner Academy, or Speculum Broadband, or Baluns Gym, or the G Partisans; any number of mumblecore shame runner business names could be here, any name with gumption being too easy to boycott,) a hostile environment for asking on peril? Yeah!


Problem is that the odd one here and there is not too likely statistically to be a vector to you. Get a “community” of them, and you’ve got yourself a nice hotbed for disease outbreaks (or you know, perpetuation and fun mutations of the current Pandemic).

I wouldn’t mind their existence if they isolated themselves somewhere very far from me, but it bugs that they benefit from safety precautions (like vaccination) that they rally against.

Ugh. Can’t teach these people because they’re “woke” to “big pharma”.


It’s questionable polite to say so in as many words; but it can be quite the life skill…


Given that courts have opined that employers can’t require employees to get vaccinated, I can’t see how this employer can get away with requiring employees to not get vaccinated. This is a lawsuit just begging to happen.


Do you have a citation for this? Because the National Law Review just two days ago wrote:

On Dec. 16, 2020, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued guidance clarifying that employers are lawfully permitted to require employees to be vaccinated before returning to work, subject to several exceptions.

The exceptions are a documented disability (and even within that there’s a lot of leeway), a religious accommodation (also with leeway for the employer), and/or if the employers vaccination policy triggers other medical examinations that would violate the ADA.

What’s your source?


Pleased to see I’m not the first to wtf at that line…

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They’re anti-vaxxers, as evidenced by their policy on standard vaccinations and thinking it is related to the uptick in ADHD diagnosis (though there is zero evidence of this). Medical Freedom from Mandated Vaccines - Centner Academy Miami
So, y’know, a great place to send your kid to die of whooping cough, measles, or COVID. Super great.


Ooh! I just learned the term “Emotional Ninja” from this depressing New Yorker article:

Basically, it’s emotional intelligence for the elementary school soul, in 50+ picture books.

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It wouldn’t be a HIPAA issue in all likelihood, unless the doctor is disclosing the information. HIPAA is mostly about who can disclose the information. It could possibly fall under something like the ADA, but it would come down to an argument on whether being vaccinated constitutes a disability. Given the weak labor protections in the US, convincing a court of that would grant more protection than just about anything else.

Hunger. It would be great if we were all free to follow our moral or even practical concerns in situations like this, but if it is going to put you out of work, you might be stuck with it.


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