Cruelty and incompetence are their own rewards.
No, but actually, untrained staff are cheapest. Probably staffing is one of the major costs. Untrained staff tend towards being cruel (see Stanford Prison Experiment and the US military-run prisons in Iraq). So the most economical thing is to give guards a few tools that are cruel and let them get on with it.
Probably mental illness is extremely common and requires training to deal with effectively, so see above.
Insert “why not both?” gif here.
And then you sell out your fellow prisoners for a replacement eyeball… the same old story
So, just to be clear, this was all happening under Obama?
You know, that comment would be more clever if Obama hadn’t tried to stop the practice of contracting federal detention to for-profit prisons. Admittedly he did it late, but it would have gone into effect if not for Trump.
… I wonder why prison can’t be self sufficient and therapeutic; able to garden their own food at least. Maybe one day in the future, probably not before 2018 or people resign.
You actually touch on a fundamental principle here: People commit crimes because of mental illness, or desperation caused by societal illness.
And then society throws those unfortunates into cages for years at a time.
TRUMP 2020!
These are people held by ICE. Most of them have committed no crime whatsoever, aside from having insufficient paperwork.
Migrants commit crimes at much lower rates than citizens,
Oh, oops. I thought we were talking about the regular judicial system, not the proto-SS of ICE.
That was tough to read, and I’m only half way through it.
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