"Pro-God, Pro-Gun, Pro-Trump" candidate seems to be Pro-Photoshop, too

Lots to despise about this guy but this is a nothing story.

The original photo looks like it is real. If the photo is faked, it is a much better job than what is going on in the video. But it looks like they tweaked levels and/or contrasts/ filters and the hands got way darker. And then video will cause artifacting and has lower resolution.

As for the lack of labels on the rest of the soldiers Marines, no idea. Maybe they got new BDUs in and hadn’t had a chance to apply their name and branch tapes.

Dude is still guilty of, “I can’t be racist, I served/worked with black people!”


Welcome to the absolute bottom of the barrel

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Nice catch! There is also a weird line on his right shoulder where it looks like woodland camo pasted over desert camo, like the shoulder of the original subject is slightly higher than the pasted one.

Those are pockets, there is one on each shoulder, you can see them (less defined) on the other soldiers.

Further up the shoulder. And it still wouldn’t be a different camo.

I dont think so. That stripe is just the gap between the top of the pocket and the shoulder seam. The extra layers on the pocket flap mean the sweat doesnt soak through to the surface as much

The dark color across the shoulders just looks like sweat stains from being in the heat for a long time. Even the stains just above the knees suggest he was working in a hot environment. When you bend your knee the sweat gets forced onto the fabric. His cuffs are clean but the sleeves are wrinkled suggesting he just unrolled his sleeves.

Couldnt tell you why he is the only one wearing nametapes. I’d wager he is not part of the rest of the group.


I’ll take your word for it. The dark parts look like a completely different pattern to me, and there’s some green in there that shouldn’t be in desert camo, but if investigators have found it’s legit, then it’s legit. Just looks awkward as hell.


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