Professor Xavier is a total fuckboi. Let me explain, on the Fuckbois of Literature podcast.

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Xavier has a long history in comics when it comes to withholding information, lying, manipulating, erasing memories, etc. Ultimately he gets a pass from readers because of his goals and the Xmen’s reputation as the good guys, but there has been many times he’s been embroiled in some in-world scandals.

Ultimately his relationship with Magneto is a tip to who he actually is. They are both two sides of the same coin despite them being opposites, one is just more honest about their intentions but is more cynical (Magneto), while the other is dishonest but more hopeful. They’re both garbage people though but are effective leaders.


For better or worse, this is pretty much globally applicable IRL.


Even outside of politics a good number of successful managers and leaders tend to exhibit sociopathic behaviors. Not universally true for everyone but its probably more true than not and might have to do with the nature of having to make difficult decisions.


I find this term extremely irritating.

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What does “fuckboi” even mean?

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Is this implying that Cyclops has uncontrollable eyeball ejaculation? Would explain a lot.

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It’s funny how Doom Patrol explores this more with The Chief. I’m just glad the X-Men franchise caught up with acknowledging that with Xavier.


I guess DC was more open in making Doom Patrol’s Chief more of a bastard. His path is more of a “well, I fucked up the lives of these people who were assholes before I meddled, so I guess I am responsible for them” storyline.

Me too. It seems like a term more for someone on the receiving end, more like a woobie than a manipulative bastard.


Is there an episode just called “Everything Bukowski ever wrote?”

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Me too, to be honest, but I wasn’t gonna turn down the opportunity to talk about how Professor X and Cyclops are manipulative douchenozzles who are terrible to women.

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Quite a few male heroes in comics have been historically terrible, i suspect that a lot of these heroes have personalities mirror the various writers that work on them. Which i think ultimately should be a good example on why diversity in comics matters.


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