Originally published at: Project Farm compares an entire line of motor oils against one another | Boing Boing
Tl;dr: Pennzoil Ultra Platinum (the most expensive) is the winner.
Yes, this clip.
Chris Elliott Tests Cooking Oils
Source: Youtube clip titled Chris Elliott: Cooking Oil Comparison Test 1984, c1984 episode unknown, from Late Night with David Letterman, posted by user Rescued TV Treasures on 2020 04 22
Todd’s/The Farm Project’s motor oil methodology seems to have left out the all important taste test.
I always use full synthetic and my Honda has never scromitted.
But which one is best for seasoning your pan? Or sharpening a knife?
Apropos of applied lubrication; when I saw this item on the implementation of automated time-delay and long-duration lubrication systems I found it quite interesting.
I don’t own or operate anything big enough to need lubricating that way; but some of the mechanisms for retrofitting automated lubrication to reduce the need for frequent manual grease-gunnings are quite ingenious.
Oh god. Never start an oil thread in a car forum. It’s like a bicycle thread on BB times ten.
Honestly, possibly not. Engines/gearboxes and oils co-evolve over time and are engineered for each other. Often it’s best to use the contemporary oil for the engine, which is why the lube counter has a huge chart of modern equivalents to a 20-weight from 1952 or whatever. A lot of older seal technologies relied on the chunky viscosity of the oil of the time, whereas modern engines are sealed up like precision steel drums and want the better low-temperature and multi-weight performance of a modern synthetic.
Needs more weed.
Find a large Henckels knife, stab the cast iron until the knife tip is blunt. This will season the cast iron and reconfigure the positronic crystals in the knife, resulting in a sharper edge.
Saw it in a Youtube video.
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