Prosecutors got 'covert' warrants to search Michael Cohen's email, here's what we know of their findings

Before that point, I suspect the remaining members of the Cabinet will realize it’s Trump or them and work with Pence to invoke section 4 of the 25th Amendment.

I suspected it was vanity: he needs glasses, and Twitter is brief enough for him to see on his phone screen. He’s too vain, full stop.


What I found striking about the thing was that this warrant is an SDNY. Its got nothing to do with the Russia investigation. My guess is that it is related to the notion of contributions in kind with respect to campaign finance. Trump and his porn star payment specialist may have breached election finance laws.

The evidentiary standard for those warrants must have been enormous.


Therrre we go.

Speaking of judges involved in all of this mess.

The judge who convicted Scooter Libby - Reggie Barnett Walton - was appointed by George W Bush.

And was appointed to other judicial positions by Ronald Regan, George H W Bush and John Roberts.


Well, I’m suspicious that Trump is a technology-ignorant idiot. Plenty of 70 year-olds have never used (and never will use) email-- and are proud of it. Notably, McCain and Lindsey Graham have never sent one email.

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Turns out Michael Cohen did indeed travel to Prague to broker some kind of shady deal just like the Steele Dossier alleged (Cohen subsequently tweeted he’d never been to Prague in his life).

Honestly using Prague as the backdrop for that kind of thing just feels lazy, like something you’d see in the first draft of a screenplay for a generic spy movie.


Yeah, and Mueller was a Republican-appointed Republican who’s been a Republican longer than the president has. None of that matters to the people looking to undermine them.


Yes and no. I think its very smart of him. I worked in a bank where none of the senior managers said anything on email. All the important conversations were face to face cos they left no trail. Those who didnt obey this rule are in many cases no longer at the bank after what happened in 2008-10

So I think Trumps aversion to email may be the kind of smart that someone who has taken good legal advice and worries that some parts of his business may not be entirely legit.

Forgive, but remember he built a casino in Atlantic City. I wonder what types of business men he came into contact when doing that deal?

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In that scenario I’d wonder who was a bad influence on whom

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And apparently he traveled to Prague by ground after flying to Germany, making it look a bit like he knew he was going to want to be able to deny going there when he planned the trip.


Atlantic City is still pretty tame compared to the corruption in the New York real estate market.

Very true, but reports suggest that in Atlantic City, certain “sanitation interests” control the real estate business completely. Whereas in NYC their influence is significant but not all pervasive.

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