Originally published at: Protestors dump piles of manure at the White House, crying BS to Biden's climate plan | Boing Boing
Well, keep up the pressure, I guess but Joe’s plan is far more radical than anything I ever expected to see.
This rundown of his climate and economic justice team is pretty compelling.
Where were these brave poop-droppers during the last 4 years?
Probably unable to get near the White House fence?
Avoiding getting shot by Trump’s guards, I guess.
Huffing the BS instead of dropping it…
A less than perfect 2030 plan is far better than nothing. Accept it, celebrate that you got that much, challenge private industry to do better, THEN push government for more. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Win or lose today, the government changes directions every two years, whether it changes hands or not. Today, they agreed with you: let them have a small victory lap and concentrate on other challenges for a year. THEN make sure the government isn’t backing off.
Why pink wheelbarrows? Were they on sale?
Mostly running around Europe climbing cranes and smashing bank windows.
I’m all for them continuing to protest here, too, this is good. We NEED far left pressure to keep things shifting. The lack of visibility of such movements allows the radical conservative right to brand the conservative centrist Democrats as the “radical leftists,” which is so far from the truth.
It occurs to me that slogans like “BIDEN’S 2030 PLAN = MASS DEATH” could be misunderstood and appropriated by conspiracy theorists who think that climate change is a a hoax concocted to deprive Americans of their God-given way of life.
The conspiracy theorists interpreting everything in the light of their twisted world view is not a reason to not protest for dealing with the climate crisis. If we don’t do anything for fear that some people will misinterpret it as a conspiracy , then we should all just give up and let them run the world.
Sure, but a slogan that doesn’t sound like something from InfoWars might be a good idea.
How about we stop letting right wingers control the narrative?
Ok, so for years while the previous administration actively worked to destroy all of the protections we’ve managed since the 1970s these folks did nothing. Now they are complaining because something is being done?
Wow right wing protests are stupid. Dumping poop, that’s the best they’ve got?
…what’s that? this was a left wing protest ?
Uh, ok cool! Carry on the “good work” !
How about we don’t echo their rhetoric?
Because it’s not doing that? We are dealing with mass social disruption right now from climate change. People have been displaced in huge numbers and plenty of people have already died thanks to conflicts driven in part by climate change. If we don’t do something drastic, what do you think it’s going to look like in a decade?
Highlighting a very possible outcome due to inaction or not drastic enough action isn’t the same thing as spreading conspiracy theories. If I say that the far right will ethnically cleanse or kill hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people isn’t a conspiracy theory, it’s what they’ve said is their primary goal in this world. Much like saying that inaction will result in mass death isn’t a conspiracy theory if it’s a very real possible outcome.
Hyperbole of a possible outcome is not spreading conspiracy theories.
That’s not what’s happening here.
But BOTH SIDES are bad!!! /s