PSA: The Air Force isn't partial to cocaine

Surely shaving your body doesn’t remove the follicles, just makes the hairs connected to them smaller

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Right, but the presumably he was hoping that the layer with coke deposition in it would be above the skin surface, and thus get removed.

Alternately, he could have really committed to his genius plan and had an all over body wax.


People mostly get this slang wrong and probably only know it from The Maltese Falcon. It is often thought to mean a guy with a gun, but it was actually slong for “homo”.

Lordy, no! It is highly active, which might help make it somewhat universal. YOU try and read Chaucer without translation. Even Shakespeare is a bit obscure.


I learned a new word! Also found “catamite” when looking it up… huh.

But it does looks like a typo all the same :wink:

He shall forever be called “Snow Bird”


Guy is – was! – a U-2 pilot. On coke. Imagine the Russians getting their hooks into him. That would be my argument against a pardon…

… uhh, forget it. Trump.



I doubt they have drugs that would compel him to spill anything useful; he obviously has tried a variety of fine pharmaceuticals and enjoys the effects. Also, Coke Fiend - reality and straightforward information are probably quite flexible in his mind.
Edit: It’s a good thing the SR-71 is out of service; the U-2 takes a steady hand and incredible attention to detail to fly at altitude without killing yourself. A hotrod like the Blackbird is an invitation to do something really crazy at 35 miles per minute and kill yourself, your RSO and whoever is nearby when the flying fuel tank hits the ground at Mach 3.

I guess he forgot it’s in his pee too. Damn they are hard on Officers in the USAF. Enlisted personnel just get an honorable discharge unless their usage caused harm or damage. That was back in the 1980’s though.

Riddley Walker was no pushover.

By the time he’s done shaving his eyelashes, nostrils, ears, and butthole, the hair he shaved off the rest of him will start to grow back.

They caught him during his third week of continuous shaving.

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