Pseudoscientific terror ended fluoridation in Calgary, now kids' teeth are rotting


Not hard to look up or ask your physician. Older and I think you’ll find it’s written on the tube.

So? Water is not in its natural form from the rivers and streams, which is good so that you don’t die of the number one leading cause of preventable death worldwide: Water-borne illness. Many natural minerals are toxic. Radium is natural, forms deposits that run off into watersheds, and is definitely not good for you. The air you breathe has mercury in it ejected from volcanic and geological activity, and lead is very common. The ancient Egyptians’ teeth show signs of wear because of sand and other particulates finding its way into grain used to make bread. Oh, and your body is a non-trivial quantity of the naturally-occurring radioisotope of carbon, carbon-14. It undergoes radioactive beta decay inside your body.

That’s just a few examples of earthly hazards that are natural. The universe as a whole is even more hostile to life. This planet owes you nothing, and the idea that natural means anything of value with regard to human health is a fallacy that was recognized as far back as the Ancient Greeks.

Fluoride is being foisted onto us because they don’t know what to do with it? This makes no sense. Fluorine is useful. Industry uses hydrofluoric acid routinely. There are lots of uses for fluoride that dwarf the need to sell it as toothpaste. Look up the current cost of hydrofluoric acid, it ain’t cheap. Fluoride is even ideal, since it’s relatively non-reactive and can be transported with less precautions than pure fluorine or more reactive forms.

Dentists (who are typically self-employed) and public health scientists (typically employed by government or academia) are all paid by corporations? I’d like to see some direct evidence that corporations really push an agenda here.


Fluoride mind control porn/hentai? Of course we do!

However much it takes to control their minds and make them start doing stuff…


I assume you chew all your gum then spit it out?


Well, they ain’t likely to kiss you if you don’t brush your teeth, so… maybe?

I guarantee you are voluntary, though perhaps unwittingly, consuming matter much more harmful than fluoride in drinking water.

The fact is, it is a harmless additive at that dose with beneficial effects. If fluoride in the water was harmful, we would see a clear indicator of that statically. The only clear indicator fluoride affects us at all is the dramatic positive effect it has on dental health.

ETA I assume you don’t consume salt as it is made of a highly poisonous gas and an element that explodes in water.

Did you also know water is poisonous in high enough quantities?


If you want to know learn some F history read the book

I want to learn the science. You have 70+ years of data to pull from. Show me where fluoride in the water has affected us negatively.


The usual concentration in the US is 0.7 ppm. If there’s less, fluoride is added. If there’s more, which is common in volcanic-rock areas with low calcium content, fluoride is removed. Yes, there are both addition and removal procedures used out there.

Electrochemical methods are usually employed.


Do not forget the Nazis using fluoride to control the minds of the slave labourers on their moon bases.


Great. Another wise guy perpetuating the myth we went to the moon. Good luck surviving the van Allen belts in a tin can. That and how can you move through Luminiferous aether with out some sort of paddle or propeller system?


Why, you use a really big goddamn cannon, of course.


You’re in luck. I can request it from my uni’s library system, so I will. I do warn you that I will find any peer reviewed papers he cites, and I will read them myself. I’ve seen how journalists handle scientific literature and frankly, as a rule, I never trust them. I’d normally worry about wasting my time but, it’ll be good blog fodder for me.


[quote=“Jase_Panic, post:14, topic:74001”]
How about instead of medicating the water
[/quote] etc., etc., etc., etc

I do dislike it when pseudoscience wins out over science, especially for public health things like fluoridation and vaccinations that affect us all. Really sad.


Your argument is invalid:


Why would I want an “F” in history?


No it isn’t. It would be more believable if they said they went to the moon in that. But no, they couldn’t even pay a decent model maker, and the best they could come up with is this.


AFAIK, Norway has never fluorinated drinking water, but we’re not notably worse off cavity-wise than the US. I guess we spend more time/money on getting kids to brush their teeth twice daily?


Or you probably have a lot less sugar in your diet.


Another thing to consider is the percentage of the population below the poverty line. I can guarantee that fluoridated water has a much greater impact on children living in poverty than those from middle class or wealthy families, and last time I checked Norway not only has less people in poverty than the United States but also a national healthcare system that would be great for getting those in poverty access to oh… maybe dental health care?

Also, here is an actual citation! Take note those of you who bable your pseudoscience without certifiable sources to back up your claims!

Despite progress in reducing dental decay, individuals in families living below the poverty level experience more dental decay than those who are economically better off. 20 some of the risk factors that increase an individual’s risk for decay are inadequate exposure to fluoride, irregular dental visits, deep pits and fissures in the chewing surfaces of teeth, inadequate flow of saliva, frequent sugar intake and very high oral bacteria counts.

Page Not Found | American Dental Association

[This is the actual study the American Dental Association cites, just in case you think they have been paid off by big floride… because less cavities definitly=more money for Dentists, totally.] Water fluoridation, poverty and tooth decay in 12-year-old children - PubMed




Edited: Now with non-breaking-stuff scaled image,