Punched Nazi loses tax-exempt status

It’s not a tiny bit of hate. It’s a tiny bit of protest against an awful, awful person. Fortunately it was captured on camera. These racist scumbags need to know that their ideas and actions are completely unacceptable. Perhaps a punch in the jaw from time to time will help.


but if you’re travelling on that road you might run into the buddha and then there can be a team-up to kick nazi ass.


I didn’t say I would like them or even be neutral towards them, just that I wouldn’t hate them.

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Relax, I’m sure Donald Trump will step in to fix things for him, accuse the IRS of being “politicized”, etc.


It’s called a “funch.”

Well, it is now.


Forearm smash. And not a bad one.

Here’s Finn Balor (and his abs) showing how it’s done.


Just for all folks who approve of sucker-punching stupid, weak Nazis while they’re talking because “THOUGHTCRIME!” I can’t recommend enough that you check out this documentary on Netflix.


Sucker-punching people who have terrible beliefs is as effective at reducing the number of people with terrible beliefs as the war on drugs is at reducing the number of people who abuse drugs.

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Ever been sucker-punched by a stupid, not weak Nazi because “EXISTENCECRIME!”? Because I have. I don’t recommend the experience.

I am currently working out who will actually stand up for me when they come back for me (And they will come back, judging by the news on both sides of the Atlantic). Some self proclaimed liberals just aren’t making the cut, I’m afraid (and I really mean I am afraid, for myself, my friends and anyone else who is being targeted by these fascist arseholes).

But “Peace for our Time”, am I right?


That truly sucks and I’m sorry you had that experience. That would justify you sucker-punching that particular Nazi. That said, it in no way justifies sucker-punching someone who approves of the attack on you, if they’re not being violent.

Violently attacking people for their thoughts and words is not liberal, and cannot work in a liberal society, but it is highly approved of by Nazis.

Plus, it doesn’t work to decrease the number of Nazis. It never has. Which is why I recommend the documentary.

There’s as much evidence to suggest that Nazism is an existential threat to the country (or represents a much greater risk to personal safety than things like driving a car) as there is that Islamic fundamentalism is; which is none at all. Again, I’m sorry for your experience, but it doesn’t justify physical violence against people for their beliefs.

Comparisons to Chamberlain have been a common, and very tired tactic of the war-mongering right for many decades, now.

Ever been sucker-punched by a stupid, not weak Nazi

Yes I have. A number of times. In the late eighties early nineties I witnessed firsthand the difference the ARA made in stopping the more visible violence of the National Front and their ilk. Two points. Meeting violence with violence worked because the racists tended to be cowards who were looking to beat up weaker foes and when they were repeatedly faced with violent resistance, the majority of them gave up their ‘hunting’. They needed to be stood up to. Second point. The ARA never treated the skinheads as evil people. They reached out to them and offered them an alternative support group to belong to. That combination took a lot of the power away from the racist skinhead movement in the 1990’s.


The problem with the batshit-crazy US right lies primarily not in what they do but in why and when they do it.

The GOP’s claim that Obama presented an imminent threat of fascism was absurd and stupid, because Obama was not a fascist; he was a run-of-the-mill centrist politician devoted to slow, cautious incrementalism. In other words, a genuine conservative.

The current observation that TrumpGOP presents an imminent threat of fascism is not absurd, because the TrumpGOP are fascists, and they very clearly intend to put their ideology into practice.


Honestly, that was too good for them. franco got to live out his life in power too…

For after all, what is the crime in planning to commit genocide? Do we give Nobel prizes for people who are planning to do chemistry?

I can’t believe how much hand-wringing there has been over this. Perhaps freedom of speech zealots might notice there are places where espousing Nazism is even illegal, and they do not appear worse tyrannies for it compared to the US, which is suffering a surge of anti-Semitic attacks.

This one punch is such a minute fraction of the suffering its recipient plans, of the things his movement are doing let alone what they intend. Yet apparently that’s the thing we are sure will ruin liberal society, that we must rush to repudiate, even as synagogues across the country are more and more menaced by people eager to take advantage of how feeble opposition to their hate has become.


And if their words are about how you are worthless and should be killed? I learned the hard way that ignoring them didn’t help. I still have the headaches. I still have the PTSD.

Listening to what a fascist is saying gives me vital seconds to defend myself. Some people may see that as me throwing the first punch, but how many of them have been in the same situation I am? How many of them have been spat on and beaten up simply for being “Trangender while Breathing”?

I don’t have the luxury of waiting. Not anymore.

It is an existential threat to me, and several other people on the BBS. The USA and the world may survive fascism, but my job right now is for me and my friends to survive it. I don’t have the luxury of waiting to see what happens. History has already told me.

I am watching the setup happen again right now in the US, yet some people choose to remain oblivious.

I’d rather be a premature anti-fascist and have to apologise for it later, than for me to ignore the signs all around me and be dead.


We need this, with severe penalties. At its base, it’s incitement to violence.


…a very good, very creative accountant.

Damnit, I wish I’d thought of that before I killed the Buddha.


I am sympathetic to this, but I can’t do it personally. The fascists who beat me had no interest in listening to what I had to say.

Once there has been an admission that they were wrong and that they will work to undo the harm that they have done, then I will be more than happy to forgive them. Until then it’s too much of a risk.


It’s a shame Stuart Christie wasn’t successful in the Franco assassination plot. He was lucky to get back to the UK alive, he could have been sentenced to death by garrote.

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He didn’t even owe any money. The 990 is just an information return. :joy: