Putin releases horrifying video of his new Russian nuke going straight toward Florida

I think that if you’re at the point of flinging buckets of instant sunshine about the place then you’re probably not too concerned about a bit of stray radiation leaking on the way there.


From the form of the continents, that animation does not appear to show our planet.

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Technically, it’s based on both amount of reaction mass and exhaust velocity, which is where a nuclear powered rocket could be better in deep space, but it’s irrelevant for a missile, since once you’e in LEO, you can drop your warheads anywhere on earth anyway.


I watched the video, and I wouldn’t call it horrifying. Pedestrian, perhaps. Very simplistic animation, recycled from the 1980s, and bog standard stock footage of mobile missiles, but I’ve seen worse editing.

I guess he needed to thump his chest a little and brag. Well, if it makes him feel better. Not like having yet another source of annihilation was going to make a difference, or is he trying to trick the USA into inflating its military budget even more than it is already bloated?

I don’t know, and I don’t care.


You should google “nuclear fallout”. Also keep in mind that there are nuclear power plants in FL, along with other [highly toxic] chemical plants in the TPA area. A multiple warhead nuclear strike on FL would lay the entire state to waste. If winds were to the north, the entire eastern part of the country would be covered in radioactive+chemical fallout. Holding Mir-a-Lago at gunpoint is just a middle finger to Trump. It sure doesn’t seem Putin is his “buddy” like the article starts off.

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I would think that the head of Russia announcing that he can blow up the US anytime he wants would cause some kind of panic, or at least alarm.

This news vanished in a puff of smoke. It’s not on the front page of CNN, Google News, or the BBC. It’s like the world is just rolling its eyes.


That is because Russia always was in the position to blow up the US anytime they wanted. They went down from the capacity to blow up the US 100 times to maybe only 10 times, but they were always there, like China and the other nuclear powers.

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Not for the relevant population centers, most of those are in the western half of the country (west of the Urals). Let’s say China invaded Vladivostok, Russia would be pissed but not gravely wounded. But let’s say you invaded from the Caucuses and cut them off from their farmland? Well that’s another story. And one Putin and every Russian will fight and die to prevent from ever happening.

Thinking aloud here - maybe this explains the weird increase in nuclear radiation in Northern Europe lately? I believe I remember some news articles discussing increases in radiation seen without explanation. If they were testing this system, that may explain it.

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There has recently been some speculation that were the US to “first strike” Russia, and finally sort out the election stealing, Syrian meddling, Slavic ne’erdowells, new US ABM systems might be able to deal with whatever second strike capacity the Russians had left.

My guess is the Russian leadership takes this threat seriously and is countering it. However Im not sure I believe they really have the super shiny extra deadly new weapons they claim to have. Network news here in the US had a different take but apart from that I have no other reason to believe this hypothesis.

If the Russians really wanted to fuck with us, they would sell this technology to the North Koreans.

Check which countries border North Korea to the north. There are two.

Couple days after someone who owes international investors >1BB Dollars, due later this year, loses his top secret security clearance, too.


Putin crazy like fox, great comrade just crazy

The Russian leadership takes the US threat very seriously. It is not as if the US did not expand NATO to their frontiers, meddled to start a civil war in Ukraine and to move the one country where the Russian navy has its military base in Mediteranea (Syria) out of their influence.

Now, talking about Syria, the US did not win that war. Why? Because Russia developped new military capacities to counter US air suppremacy. That, the US does not like and the display of the new nukes is there for that reason. Nobody wants to use nukes, especially Putin who has demonstrated that he is not an idiot. Which cannot be said for the current US president.

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seen from one perspective, mutual assured destruction is entirely rational, logical, and understandable. Seen from another perspective, it’s utterly insane.

I generally take exactly the same view as you but I am generally considered kooky (at best) here for thinking along these lines.

What particularly concerns me is that network news here in the US seems to be misreading the message. I don’t know if the Russians have any of the weapons they recently claimed to have. However I am alarmed that they consider it in their interests to start a new arms race. I guess in this particular case, offense is a lot cheaper than defense. If the Russians are alarmed then they are more likely to miscalculate. If the Americans misread it, or continue to prefer bellicosity, then they are likely to push Putin too far. I wish I lived further away from a population center


No potential about it.

We’ve had the proven ability to destroy the former Soviet Union since the 1970s and we’ve openly bragged about it for even longer.

I worked on PeaceKeeper, Tomahawk, and a couple of other doomsday weapons back in the day.

