Qoobo is an adorable, headless robotic cat

Smart dog knows that the human will go off fast, while actual dog food will be good for weeks.



One our our cats manages both the purring pillow and the companion. He also likes to lay right up next to my head when I have a migraine. It actually helps, and he seems to know it. He’s the orange one. The grey tabby is a computer cat, he likes to lay on laptops and mice and lay on top of your forearms when you are trying to do something on the computer and not petting him.

Also, actually on topic, maybe the product/toy/creepy-weirdness doesn’t have a head because some people find the way cats stare at you intimidating.


From reading the article they mention that there were instances where the investigators knew that the dog had a really great and loving owner, and that food was available or that the dog didn’t waste any time in eating the person. What they think is that the dog was distressed and was nipping and licking the owner to wake them up, which could trigger the instinct to bite, and then eating. They also note that generally dogs start with the face, which is an instinct that doesn’t happen in the wild with wolves. Wolves will always start in the abdomen.

So it’s just a guess but i think that distress is likely a motivator for pet dogs eating their owners. Pets prone to separation anxiety they think might also be more prone to doing this.


or waits until you are asleep, suctions itself on your face, and sucks out your soul while suffocating you.


This is the nearly exact plot of T. Coraghessan Boyle’s story “De Rerum Natura”. Inventor invents the shitless catnap hijinks ensue from there.

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I was kinda kidding about the purr pillow. I miss my little purr machine kitteh. She sat behind my head on the couch nearly every day of her too-short life, and purred like it was the last time she was going to. Not quite a pillow, but definitely comforting.

Your orange kitteh is super adorbz. That floof is 11 out of 10!


His belly is sooooo soft and he likes you to pet it. He also has a luxurious fluffy tail he permits us to pet.


So, then it is a cat.


I was trying to remember where I had read this before! Thank you!

Whiskey on the rocks and edible ganja.


That’s even more horrible, if you think about it. Imagine you’re the dog:

Why won’t he wake up??

Wake up! Wake up!

(Maybe if I lick his face, he’ll wake up)

<< LICK! >>

Wake up! Wake up!

(Maybe a nip is required)

<< NIP >>

<< NIP! >>

<< NIP! NIP! >>

<< BITE >>

Oh god, now I’m eating him!

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Of course its terrible, it’s not a good situation and i want to stress not every single dog will do this

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