Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/02/28/quadruplet-human-kids-get-quad.html
Sorry to be a killjoy, but I wonder what will happen to the lambs when they grow up. One acquaintance whose parents own farm had had a horse that parents said was her own. One day her parents decided that keeping the horse was too expensive and it was sold to be slaughtered for meat. She had no say in this.
Even worse, other acquaintance had a pet rabbit that was slaughtered for meat, and she was forced to eat it.
Such situations can cause lasting psychological trauma to children.
“This one’s Nymeria, this one’s Grey Wind, …”
A little mint sauce - we’re good to go.
Heh, the Kelly Family…
The Kelly’s are my namesake, but my aunt couldn’t trace the family tree back farther than Ireland in general, due to a records-house fire.
I’m only concerned because I want my lamb, too.
How’s your singing voice, then?
Who wants a lamby lamby lamby. . .
I was an alto in choir until my voice changed.
Considering that it’s in County Offaly, the future is not bright.
Also, there’s a glitch in the matrix. The kids were feeding the lambs from Corona beer bottles.
I doubt that these kids are under any allusions about what eventually happens to lambs. Having “your own” lamb or calf isn’t that unusual on Irish farms.
Personal anecdote, I used to have a couple of goats when i was a child. I knew full well what would happen to them from the start. They weren’t treated as pets.
Do you want roast dinner? Because this is how you get roast dinner.
Spring is coming…
…uh, yum!
Those boys accepted their gifts very gracefully considering that their parents had a fundamental misunderstanding of what the kids meant when they said they wanted quads for their birthday.
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