Her very lowness with her head in a sling?
I’m truly sorry, but it sounds like a wonderful thing.
I think we’re ready for Æthelbert now.
As long as he’s ready this time.
Queen Elizabeth II of England is still with us, but sadly Elizabrth of Rngland has passed from this mortal coil.
Long live King Charlrs!
Wouldn’t that be Elizabrth of Grrat Britain?
Exciting fact. Unready means ill advised. Unrædy, really.
That was Æthelred
Wouldn’t Æthelready be a great name for a 9-volt battery?
One gets to use these html entities so infrequently don’tch’ know.
James has been a verboten name for potential kings since the Glorious Revolution and the Jacobite risings.
Scotland has had some excellent royal names that are due a revival:
- Kenneth
- Duncan
- Lulach
- Constantine
- Macbeth
The ‘higher number’ thing is complicated by the fact that English monarchs are only numbered from the Norman conquest. England has had elevem kings called Edward (to be picky, England had nine and the UK has had a further two), but the first three reigned before William the Bastard’s little cross-channel jolly and thus don’t count.
[Edited because I can’t count.]
I dare Will & Kate…I double-dog dare them!!
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