So the choice is to mute users or to watch a shitshow unfold?
Tough decision, eh?
Why is Donald Trump feeding Jesus popcorn with his tiny hands?
Perhaps, instead of Drumpf’s hands being small, mightn’t it be that Jebus is hyuuuuge?
Is the best I can hope for after idiot little Englanders pull the UK out of Europe that Wales declares independence and rejoins, and I can get EU citizenship back that way?
Why on earth is the UKIP support for leaving the EU less than 100%? Who would vote for them and not support their one policy?
Is that why you never answer my questions?
Aren’t I a kidder and haven’t I thought about experimenting with the mute features but not acted?
If we did, wouldn’t it inevitably become dominated by @japhroaig?
Didn’t I feel guilt for even using it on this one person?
Doesn’t it get easier the more you do it?
Just FYI… isn’t this Hedge-zilla series a HUGE hit with your smallest fan? Isn’t he going on about something, but I’m not quite sure what? Aren’t there a bunch of syllables that make no sense?
Don’t I wish I had the mythical Golden Like for this? Didn’t the last Firefox update break my Greasemonkey script that does that, beyond my ability to fix it?
Wasn’t I thinking the princess would be a better substitution for the other monster?
Don’t I love this anyway?
Don’t I agree with you, completely?
Do I feel slightly weird putting Hedgezila and Godzilla in the same frame for some reason I can’t quite identify? Did the director have some secret reason to always make reconstruction of a frame with a kaiju excised easier with Godzilla, or is it just that he’s tall so there’s always a lot of nice easy sky to work with?
Since tonight I’ll probably work on Destroy All Monsters (as well as flail near-helplessly at a Mechahedgezilla) is it likely hedgezilla will be a sub for Anguiris?
Hmm, doesn’t this look promising?
How could you resist?
Doesn’t it seem like it must be done? Did you know every single time I look at one of these in my head I hear the same sound?
Isn’t it still more amusing to think of Godzilla emitting little squeaks and grunts like a hedgie?
Did you know her highness doesn’t vocalize, so the only sound she makes is a lot of sniffing? Wouldn’t a loudly sniffing hedgezilla still be amusing, though?
Can’t you just imagine the gale-force winds caused by a giant hedgehog snuffling around?
Any advice on repairing the split seam on my 6 foot inflatable Godzilla that I occasionally use to help proctor exams?