Read the bizarre Olympic Committee demands that led Oslo to pull out of the 2022 hosting race

It takes an impressive amount of corruption to out-graft Mayor Rahm. The guy’s a professional!

Slightly more rock’n’roll than sending postcards to your mother, I’ll give you that. :grin:


And it so happens they sell that too, at the same price as the Coke.


Heh heh. Concierge services provided by Amelia Bedelia.

fully stocked bar


Not in the UK though.

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OT… I loved, LOVED those books as a kid…

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Aye, they are most endearing.

See also:


On a related note, a local restaurant has a menu item called “stinky tofu.” A name like that just says “I triple-dog dare ya” and I know that, one day, I am going to order some.


You should not go on my opinion.
There is the ‘but’…: take for example the ‘Ancient eggs’, they look terrifying, but the taste is really different from there looks. Although probably a taste you love or not, soft, creamy with a little ‘tang’.

And the Surströmming, smells like hell, but surprisingly mellow taste (comparable to the smell) and a heavy ‘tang’, but to people used to eating fish and especially ‘cured’ fish like Dutch haring , or the sour version, palatable.

The stinky tofu is just what it says and taste accordingly. But people eat it, so who am I? :wink:


On the other end, I just today read the most humble drinks request ever: the lead vocalist would like one glass of a local red wine, preferably a claret, to help warm up their vocal cords before the show. The band requests no other alcohol of any kind.


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Isn’t lutefisk the fruit of the season? Put that in a cake.

Or perhaps they were savvy enough to figure out how to weasel out of the running without breaking whatever legalities had already been signed. :wink:

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