Read the ultimate foot-stamping rant about Millennials

oxytocin is not quite the same thing as oxycontin.


Somewhat harder to do without :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Really? In light of recent gun violence, isn’t this comment right here incredibly un-self-aware and insensitive Rob?

There’s a hilarious tablet written by an Akkadian student scribe learning to write in Sumerian:

The door-monitor said, “Why did you go without my say-so?” and he beat me.
The water monitor said, “Why did you help yourself to water without my say-so?” and he beat me.
The Sumerian monitor said, “You spoke in Akkadian!” and he beat me.
My teacher said, “Your handwriting is not at all good!” and he beat me.

Admittedly this is an example of a kid griping about adults rather than the other way around, but it’s still a funny example of how little has changed.


Oops, totally read that wrong!!

There is always recent gun violence in Anerica, so that qualifier is redundant.



At least you noticed, which is probably a good thing.


When I realised that there was no way I was ever going to be a crystallographer, my supervisor told me it didn’t matter; what I was there to do was to learn to learn, and learn how to arrange data to create meaningful patterns.
It was pure coincidence that in an all-hands-to-the-pump process control crisis years later, I recollected something I had learned in crystallography that turned out to be the answer to the problem.
I don’t think acquiring knowledge is ever wholly wasted. As Odysseus says in the Inferno, “fatti non foste a viver come bruti ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza”, you were not created to live like the animals but to follow life and knowledge.


Here’s a link to their PDF transcript.

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My daughter suffered from an mysterious* chronic illness for most of her junior year. She failed everything. She’s not going to walk at graduation with her class this year. I only wish it was impossible for her to fail.

*finally this summer diagnosed with Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome. She was hospitalized for a week and is doing much better now.



I don’t know what that is, but it sounds superscary! Glad she’s doing better! Is it chronic or is it curable?

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Holy fuck. I am charging the internet tubes with the power of empathy, understanding, and life time exceptional good luck.


So I started a tangential thread for discussing universities and what they should be, since some of our discussion seemed slightly derailing from the topic at hand:


It’s chronic, but manageable to the point you could consider it cured. Basically, her mesenteric artery is cutting off her duodenum so food can’t process out of her stomach. She vomits all the time and she’s malnourished. The treatment is to gain weight so there’s a nice padding of abdominal fat keeping the artery out of the way.

Unfortunately, it’s a vicious cycle because the worse your symptoms are, the less you can eat, the more weight you lose, and the worse your symptoms get. And because she’s an underweight teenage girl, we had to have 4 different doctors rule out an eating disorder.

So currently, she’s 5 foot 4, and as of yesterday at 98lbs. The goal is to have her between 105 and 110. I was also an extremely skinny teenage girl, so I didn’t realize this wasn’t just her genetic predisposition for a very long time. If she loses more weight, it’s back to a NG tube to pack the pounds on. The real irony is, this has given her disordered eating habits because now she’s super-picky about what she eats and how much, so as not to trigger vomiting episodes. Before this she’d eat pretty much anything.

(thanks for letting me vent a little)


This isn’t even remotely a criticism of millenials though, even assuming it’s true. I doubt the dean was a millenial, and I doubt the people complaining were millenials.


I can’t understand all these complaints about Millenials. What about Gen10, the most useless generation of all (those born in 2010 or later). I swear to god, I know a couple that wake up literally crying in the middle of the night. About 50% of them don’t do anything to contribute other than half-heartedly helping to clean up messes they themselves made, the other half will literally take a piss on you and not even say sorry. What a bunch of useless leeches.


That whole rant should not be aimed at the children, it should be aimed squarely at the parents.
The kids are just the product of their upbringing, its the parents I raise my eyebrows at. For the first time this year I’m getting phone calls and drop in visits from parents of kids in grade 11. Fully a year before they can even apply, they’re calling me, wanting to meet to discuss their awesome child.


Is this really a growing trend? It seems less common than it used to, in my experience.

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(also, out of likes, or I’d like this!)