Real Stuff: The Hot Squat

The comic is offensive and out of place to the current fan base of Boing Boing. The comic is also portraying EXACTLY what it’s like to work the door at any club or bar. It’s called real life. Your life? Perhaps not. Eichhorn’s life? Certainly as he chose to remember it. As a 39 year old single male who works as a bartender and a doorman, I can relate to his comics. I can also see how many here would and could not. If you don’t like it…don’t read it.


Come sit with me on a Friday night at the door to my bar.


1000x yes. Seriously.

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I didn´t say I found it courageous, and I don´t. Like I clearly stated, it´s a low point in writing for the series and really quite boring to me. The comment sections for this series on the other hand I often find mildly entertaining and sometimes thought-provoking.

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Sorry, I might have read too much into your original comment then. Though as much as I like thought-provoking comment threads, I’d prefer the reason for this particular one just didn’t exist.

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I don’t see what the big deal is. Yes, he is crude, but it’s not sexist to enjoy sex.

The supposedly “gay-bashing” episode (“Het!”) from a while back here on BB had me scratching my head-- I think people were making assumptions based on their own tastes and beliefs. Whether what was portrayed is exactly what happened we can never know, but taken at face value he was just trying to have a good time and they didnt want him there.

Just seems like satire to me. Although this is the only one I looked at.

So it [quote=“sdfrost61, post:19, topic:8330, full:true”]
It was Antinous who expressed that opinion. Antinous wrote: “Yeah. This is despicable, and I’m ashamed to be associated with Boing Boing right now.”
So it is! My mistake.

Ok. Enjoy your blog.

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For the longest time this is how I read Ender’s Game.

hey Eichhorn, why is your second page scan always at a shitty resolution here lately? I can’t read the lettering.

I didn’t always agree with him but he certainly kept the comments in working order.

Sucks that he’s gone.

I used to be bar security! I am never, ever going to your bar.


Pretty sure Boing Boing is just trolling it’s readers with this.

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Not my favourite of the set, but I enjoy these strange stories. Please keep them coming.

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Eichhorn must lead the most interesting life of anyone who ever wrote comics.

The person who was ashamed to be part of BoingBoing also banned me from the site for disagreeing with her in a perfectly civil, though lighthearted, way. She deleted my responses to commenters who, despite being outside the “bubble of privilege,” chimed in to agree with me. I think that’s worse than writing a comic about how much you love oral sex.

And as hyposifl points out, you’ve misrepresented the content of the comic. I think sometimes it takes effort to be offended.

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I liked Antinous, but I don’t think she was well-suited for the job. She was very passionate about her beliefs and this caused her to occasionally become more of an instigator than moderator. I frequently enjoyed her comments and do wish she was still making them.


