Realistic young Steve Jobs action figure

I’d like to get a little apple 1, but I want a Woz figure to go with it.

If the iPad isn’t “totally awesome,” I’m not sure which tech product is.

Shout that she damn well is NOT his child, no matter what the DNA test says.

Came here for the posts from bitter nerds, was not disappointed.

Yep, and pathetic as usual. And, of course, many of them will celebrate Bill Gates at the same time without any sense of irony.

I’m typing this on a Mac

So what? Does your Mac whisper personal secrets about Jobs to you at night?

he stole from his best friend Steve Wozniak … his refusal to admit paternity of his daughter.

Interesting how people bitterly focus on that unconfirmed allegation and treat it as fact (Jobs denied it), yet at the same time it’s completley overlooked that Woz got half of Apple’s stock despite not doing any work for Apple after 1978. Seems to me like Woz got a pretty sweet deal overall. And, Woz has even said himself that the allegations are not something he judges Steve upon. But, I guess he leaves that to the judgmental masses like you who weren’t there and assume the worst.

Also, as I wasn’t there… I have no idea what the deal was with Jobs denying paternity of his daughter (at first), so I’m just not sure I’m ready to stand on a little pedestal and cast holy judgment upon his decision. Maybe the mother cheated on him? Do you know? Where you there? I doubt you were. It was their private deal and we’ll never know what the entire story was. So you can step off your little, bitter pedestal there as well.

For all the accounts that Jobs was a jerk, there’s many more that says he was actually a good guy to deal with. Jobs got shit on quite a bit for some of his forward thinking and I’m sure he got sick of it. In the end, he got proven right on many things over time that the crowd vociferously and pompously said was crazy-talk. From the iPod to Flash… he got a ration of shit from people left and right. After a while, I imagine many people get tired of it and certainly aren’t going to put up with it within their own ranks. People get fired in business. Deal with it. Cope.

My problem with Steve Jobs isn’t bitterly (and perhaps jealously) based upon my own self-righteous personal qualms fueled by presumptions of his personal life.

Just like Bill Gates, the aspects of Jobs I don’t like are verifiable. For example, he was a megalomaniac and I do think that was a shame for many reasons. Anyway… overall, I think many of these very personal attacks against his character says more about his attackers than it does about Steve Jobs.

Well…exactly. Kind of my point.

waiting for the new innovations :grin:

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